Новая книга Блейна Ли Парду (non-BT)

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Модератор: Маленький Скорпион

Новая книга Блейна Ли Парду (non-BT)

Сообщение DeJaVu » 21 июн 2008, 00:03

Блейн написал новыую книга которая называется "Террор в осеннем небе" (Terror of the Autumn Skies), которая посвящена теме Первой Мировой войны и конкретно первому пилоту награжденному Медалью за Отвагу(Medal of Honor) Фрэнку Люку-младшему.
Ревью на языке Шекспиру можно почитать тут. Сея книга, думается, опять-таки подтверждает мастерство Блейна не только в жанре sci-fi.

What Historians and Reviewers Say About Terror of the Autumn Skies:

“Best description I have read about the downing of observation balloons in World War I, and how appropriate in a new biography of Frank Luke, Jr., the Arizona balloon buster. In a quick-read, fast-paced narrative, Blaine Pardoe refreshingly re-tells, and corrects, the story of Frank Luke’s life and amazing aerial exploits.”
Jack Ballard: Author of War Bird Ace: The Great War Exploits of Captain Field E. Kindley

“Much has been written about Luke in the past (including by this writer), but in Terror of the Autumn Skies, Blaine Pardoe contributes the fruits of dedicated research into the man, his family, the fiancée whose love for him endured throughout her lifetime and the complexities of his true personality. The author also devotes much space to separating the truth from the fiction that grew around Luke’s short, meteoric career. Even stripped of the often grotesque embellishments added by hack hagiographers and sensationalists, Frank Luke’s actual accomplishments stand up quite well enough.”
Jon Guttman, Noted military historian and author.

“Terror.. is a must read for both aviators and WWI historians or buffs. Luke springs off the pages and we see, hear, and smell the scenes of history. Pardoe's extensive use of primary documentation gives an accurate picture of American aviation as well as warfare of this era. The bibliography alone can be an invaluable tool to researchers.”
Marilyn Chang, Director. Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum Research Library

What Others Historians and Authors Say About Blaine Pardoe and the Cruise of the Sea Eagle:

“Blaine Pardoe has taken a true-life World War I episode of daring on the high seas, and has spun it into an old style swashbuckler. Don’t be surprised when you find yourself rooting for the pirates!” Sherry Sontag, co-author of the bestselling Blind Man’s Bluff, the Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage.

“Felix von Luckner may have been the last of the privateers, a German sea “pirate” whose sailing ship was an anachronism in World War I, and whose adventures seem too good to be true. Blaine Pardoe’s wonderful account of this adventurer would make several films if audiences could believe it all really happened, which it did.” Professor William C. Davis, Virginia Tech, author of over 50 books including the highly acclaimed Three Roads to the Alamo.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 21 июн 2008, 00:04

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