(АНОНС) Новые романы БТ

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

(АНОНС) Новые романы БТ

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 13 июл 2015, 09:46

-- Не спит ли Таменунд? -- воскликнул он. -- Что за голос раздается в его ушах?
Неужели зимы отодвинулись назад?
Неужели к детям ленапов снова возвращается лето?



Adrian Gideon писал(а):Official announcements come when they're officially ready.

Scotty писал(а):Jeez, were all of you guys asleep when I mentioned new novels four weeks ago?

Scotty писал(а):
JadeHellbringer писал(а):And who the hell are you?
A guy who sat in on the Demo Agent meeting when Loren Coleman announced it and told us we were free to spread the word. :P It boggles me how a tumblr tag gets people more excited than words straight from the top.
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Re: (АНОНС) Новые романы БТ

Сообщение DeJaVu » 13 июл 2015, 10:15

О, я олень :evil: Эти скрины показали еще 3 июля, и я по ошибки отнес их сюда - viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6285
Пост удалил. Новость супер

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Left: Orion
Right: Centurion, Dragon; behind them Reseen Crusader
Jumping: Hatchetman
Background: Steiner Banshee
Left background: Salamander
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Re: (АНОНС) Новые романы БТ

Сообщение Leonid » 21 июл 2015, 15:55

Embers of War, by Jason Schmetzer (Novel)
For Ezra Payne and the Stealthy Tiger mercenaries, professionalism is everything. Hired to assist in the bitter, bloody fighting on the planet Hall, they quickly earn a decisive victory for their employer. They settle afterward in for a needed period of rebuilding, and a few months’ peace before moving on to the next contract.

But their respite does not last. More mercenaries, hired by the Allied Mercenary Command itself, land on Hall. They believe the Tigers’ employer to be league with the Word of Blake, a shadowy interstellar organization that worships technology, and which has been building its own empire among the worlds around Terra.

The Tigers want nothing of this battle, but war rages across the Inner Sphere. The hard-fought cease-fire cannot last, even on Hall, and when every faction is embittered and fueled by fervor, peace has no chance at all.

As a new conflict erupts, will the Stealthy Tigers’ BattleMechs be enough to save them? Or will the looming threat of renewed war engulf them in its fiery embrace?

Shadows of Faith, by Loren L. Coleman (Novel)
Despite internal power struggles, the techno-disciples of the Word of Blake continue their relentless march to bring the worlds surrounding Terra under their control. Each planet that falls under their influence brings them one step closer to full dominion over the birthplace of the Inner Sphere.

Meanwhile, during the uneasy peace after the Second Civil War, Victor Davion and his allies struggle to bring another Star League conference together to confirm the next League. But with two Great Houses rebuilding after the fight, and a third nowhere to be found, his fears that the summit may fall apart seem to be coming true. This also dismays the Word of Blake representatives, who attempt to force the remaining leaders back to the table—and allow them to keep working in secret—by any means necessary.

And on Outreach, Wolf’s Dragoons, reeling from the loss of their founder, launch a blood-soaked mission of vengeance against the Blakists. But as they scream toward Mars to deliver retribution against those responsible for their leader’s death, the secretive and enigmatic “Master” of the Word of Blake executes the next phase of his own plan to bring the Inner Sphere under his control—culminating in a devastating strike at its very heart…

Case White, by Victor Milan (Novel)
In the early days of 3068, very little certainty exists in the Inner Sphere, and what little there is often comes in dread tidings. The Star League is dead—the great hope for peace after the Federated Commonwealth Civil War has failed. The cooperation among Houses that stopped the Clan Invasion is no more. And while that news alone would be enough to darken the new year, conflict has already broken out on a scale unseen for decades. Legends are falling. Worlds are being torn apart. And the whole of the Inner Sphere is poised on the edge of a conflict that may sunder it completely.

Sixteen years ago. the Com Guard stood against the might of the combined Clans on a quiet little world called Tukayyid. Today, their mighty armada returns to the cradle of mankind to reclaim their ancestral home from the Word of Blake, which captured it a decade earlier. Today, they will enact Case White: an overwhelming assault to free Terra itself. For the Com Guard, sixteen years of tolerating the Word of Blake’s zealotry has finally come to an end. With the Star League disbanded, it falls again to the Com Guard to bring peace to the Inner Sphere.

Secure in their powerful fleet, the Com Guard believes the battle will be brutal and swift, and that victory will be theirs. But the Word of Blake has prepared for years against such an invasion, and little do the Guards know that they are heading straight into a deadly trap…

Kell Hounds Ascendant: Three Short Novels by Michael A. Stackpole (Novel)
While there are hundreds of mercenary units throughout the Inner Sphere, only a handful have risen to galaxy-wide fame. The Gray Death Legion. Wolf’s Dragoons. The Northwind Highlanders. And the Kell Hounds.

Founded by brothers Morgan and Patrick Kell, the Hounds’ beginning was fraught with tension, intrigue, and danger, which they’ve found ever since. And now Michael A. Stackpole takes us back to the beginning of one of Battletech’s most storied mercenary units in three short novels that tell of the Hounds’ first days, including:

“Not the Way the Smart Money Bets”: Morgan and Patrick arrive on the mercenary staging world of Galatea to start building their unit. But getting caught between a local general and a criminal organizing gladiatorial games on-planet puts the brothers in a perilous situation, and Patrick is forced to face the local ’Mech hero in single combat—to the death.

“A Tiny Spot of Rebellion”: Fresh off their victory over local criminals, the brothers Kell are faced with a growing religious rebellion led by a local bishop with a lofty goal of ruling the entire planet, and using the populace to achieve his aims. They’re assigned to put down the uprising, but can they find a way to do that without having to battle the civilians pressed into service as holy soldiers?

“A Clever Bit of Fiction”: When Morgan is tasked with scouting locations for war games on the lush world of Zavijava, he figures he’ll mix business with pleasure. But when Prince Ian Davion tags along, the stakes are suddenly raised. And when unknown Dropships land a regiments of ’Mechs intent on looting the planet’s riches, Morgan must keep Ian alive long enough for them to be rescued. But Prince Davion has other plans—involving kicking the raiders straight off the planet…

К сожалению, особого свежачка не наблюдается, Уроборос доедает себя. Я лично жду вторую книгу "Основателей кланов" для сверки текста (о третьей, видимо, придется забыть).
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Re: (АНОНС) Новые романы БТ

Сообщение Маленький Скорпион » 21 июл 2015, 18:46

Новый роман Лорена Коулмена расскажет вам о джихаде через десять лет после того как он всем надоел и закончился.
Rp.: Acidum Ascobrinici 96% -- 100500
D.t.d. № ∞
S. Принимать до полного окобрения
Справка действительна по предъявлении справки о наличии справки

з.ы. Your logic sucks, bro.
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Re: (АНОНС) Новые романы БТ

Сообщение Leonid » 03 мар 2016, 00:28

http://www.catalystgamelabs.com/2016/03 ... n-returns/

В очередной раз нам продают одно и то же...
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Re: (АНОНС) Новые романы БТ

Сообщение RNC_Dron » 03 мар 2016, 10:57

В этом есть смысл, потому как старые издания не так-то просто найти в, кхм, лицензионных магазинах. Это мы с вами тут архив собрали и храним книги на полках. А как быть с теми, кто в хобби пришел, скажем, позавчера? :)
Clan Nova Cat
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Re: (АНОНС) Новые романы БТ

Сообщение Lima Zulu » 03 мар 2016, 11:28

К тому же это электронные издания. Скорее всего, раньше они официально не выходили в принципе. Ту же серию "Secrets of Power" я читал в фантастически кривом виде с горой опечаток и ошибок распознавания.
Make war, not sense.
Lima Zulu
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Re: (АНОНС) Новые романы БТ

Сообщение RDL_python » 03 мар 2016, 15:28

RNC_Dron писал(а):В этом есть смысл, потому как старые издания не так-то просто найти в, кхм, лицензионных магазинах. Это мы с вами тут архив собрали и храним книги на полках. А как быть с теми, кто в хобби пришел, скажем, позавчера? :)

Жестоко и анально покарать - за одно только воспоминание о этом ЖУХляде...
Осмеивать ник "питон", бессмысленно. Это не раз делали разные "интеллектуалы". Подобное, только показывает уровень "ума и сообразительности", человеческой порядочности и интеллигентности - делающего это. CRASH & BURN !
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Re: (АНОНС) Новые романы БТ

Сообщение RNC_Dron » 03 мар 2016, 16:03

RDL_python писал(а):
RNC_Dron писал(а):В этом есть смысл, потому как старые издания не так-то просто найти в, кхм, лицензионных магазинах. Это мы с вами тут архив собрали и храним книги на полках. А как быть с теми, кто в хобби пришел, скажем, позавчера? :)

Жестоко и анально покарать - за одно только воспоминание о этом ЖУХляде...

Ничего не понял на тему того, о чем воспоминания, но на всякий случай посоветую быть добрее ;)
Clan Nova Cat
Star Captain
274th Battle Cluster
Tau Galaxy
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Re: (АНОНС) Новые романы БТ

Сообщение RDL_python » 03 мар 2016, 16:29

RNC_Dron писал(а):...но на всякий случай посоветую быть добрее ;)

Да я сама доброта!
Няшка из няшек!
Осмеивать ник "питон", бессмысленно. Это не раз делали разные "интеллектуалы". Подобное, только показывает уровень "ума и сообразительности", человеческой порядочности и интеллигентности - делающего это. CRASH & BURN !
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Re: (АНОНС) Новые романы БТ

Сообщение Lima Zulu » 03 мар 2016, 17:20

RDL_python писал(а):
RNC_Dron писал(а):...но на всякий случай посоветую быть добрее ;)

Да я сама доброта!
Няшка из няшек!

Питоняша :D
Make war, not sense.
Lima Zulu
Сообщения: 1257
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