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Предстоящие релизы каталистов

Сообщение DeJaVu » 28 окт 2011, 09:24

Experimental Technical Readout: Periphery (Technical Readout) [PDF only]
For many of the major realms in the Periphery, the Jihad was just as devastating as it was to the Great Houses and Clans of the Inner Sphere. But as the tide began to turn against the Word of Blake, the fanatics withdrew from most of these fringe worlds first, leaving behind technology and techniques that further fanned the flames of technological recovery. Scrambling to rebuild, the industries of the Periphery have almost reached technological parity with the larger Inner Sphere states, and new weapons and techniques are appearing even among these disparate, often-overlooked realms.

Experimental Technical Readout: Periphery samples the custom and prototype designs that have begun to turn up in testing labs and top-secret proving grounds of the scattered realms of the local Periphery. Each design featured in this book incorporates some of the latest technologies developed by the realms of the Inner Sphere as the war against the Word of Blake winds toward its final conclusion. These technologies—first described in Tactical Operations—have yet to achieve widespread production, but each has been prototyped and rushed to the field for their desperate consumers. Statistics and Record Sheets are included for 13 new experimental BattleMechs, vehicles, aerospace units, and battle armor designs presented in this book, ready for play in advanced BattleTech games.

Experimental Technical Readout: ComStar (Technical Readouts) [PDF only]
For ComStar, the Clan Invasion sparked a Schism that was, perhaps, a long time coming. When the Jihad erupted, the self-appointed guardians of interstellar communications and the lost technologies of the Star League found itself at war with its brethren on a scale that even the mighty Com Guards could not overcome. As the Word of Blake’s war against humanity collapsed on itself, so too did the white-clad warriors of ComStar’s military might, their strength and prestige evaporated by the loss of Blessed Terra and the long-bitter bitter Jihad. Answering now to a new order on Terra, ComStar’s wartime experiments have come to light—including new tools of battle intended for use against the zealots of Blake.

Experimental Technical Readout: ComStar samples the custom and prototype designs that were developed in the testing labs and top-secret proving grounds of ComStar’s scattered military. Each design featured in this book incorporates some of the latest technologies developed by the realms of the Inner Sphere as the war against the Word of Blake waged on. These technologies—first described in Tactical Operations—have only begun to achieve widespread production, but each has been prototyped and rushed to the field for their desperate consumers. Statistics and Record Sheets are included for 13 new experimental BattleMechs, vehicles, aerospace units, and battle armor designs presented in this book, ready for play in advanced BattleTech games.

Objectives: Free Worlds League [PDF only]
Since the coming of the Clans, the military, industrial, and command complexes of the Inner Sphere have raced against the invaders—and each other—to out-produce one another in battle-worthy manpower and materiel. Factories that were smashed in the Succession Wars were reborn and revitalized, churning out ever more cutting-edge equipment, while academies expanded their curriculums and sent generations of fresh warriors into battle.

At the pinnacle of the arms race, new wars erupted, first against the Clans, and then between the Great Houses and Periphery states of the Inner Sphere. In the fires of the Word of Blake Jihad, destruction reached a level not seen since the early Succession Wars…but the stricken realms persevered.

Objectives: Free Worlds League describes the state of the major factories, training centers, and command centers in what remains of House Marik’s Free Worlds League in the wake of the events described in Jihad Hot Spots: Terra. Including detailed stats on every key system within the realm, this supplement also includes basic rules to help guide players in developing BattleTech scenarios focused on defending—or attacking—these critical sites.

Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade (Technical Readouts)
In 3055, a new breed of Inner Sphere BattleMech started rolling off assembling lines—’Mechs specifically designed to counter the Clan invasion—at the same time that secondline Clan ’Mechs began to appear. By 3067 those design have become a staple of the modern battlefield, giving rise to notable MechWarriors and new variants, while the demands of the ever-popular Solaris VII Games have resulted in a plethora of new dueling ’Mechs designed using prototype technology.

Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade presents the Solaris VII ’Mechs built using prototype technologies. Upgraded in appearance and technology, the designs first presented in the Solaris VII box set and Solaris: The Reaches are now back in print, along with several new Solaris VII designs. In addition to the upgraded appearance of selected Clan designs, all the art work for Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade is new, providing fresh illustrations of now-classic Inner Sphere BattleMechs and Clan OmniFighters.

The ’Mechs in the Solaris VII BattleMechs section are constructed using select equipment found in Tactical Operations. To use those designs, players will need that book.

NOTE: This is a Catalyst-branded reprint, with a new cover and including all appropriate errata. No other changes have been made

Experimental Tech Readout: Primitives, Volume 2 (Technical Readout) [PDF only]
Before there was even a Star League, the technologies taken for granted in the thirty-first century went through their awkward paces in a universe newly opened to humankind. In an age when the BattleMech was nearly unknown, when the DropShip was a new concept, and when tanks and fighters dominated the battle zones, the technology of the day was primitive by modern standards…and each new design with an experiment unto itself.

Experimental Tech Readout: Primitives, Volume 2 samples more of the early technology designs that dominated the universe of BattleTech during the pre-Star League Age of War period. Each design featured in this book demonstrates the primitive technology level of the first generation of BattleMechs, the last generation of Combat Vehicles (before the ’Mech supplanted them), and the low-tech aerospace units that flew above them. Although many were ultimately upgraded to “modern standards” and shown in Technical Readout: 3075, the units featured here reflect these designs as they were when first introduced to the universe they fought for. Statistics and Record Sheets are included for 13 Primitive BattleMechs, vehicles, aerospace units presented in this book, ready for play in advanced BattleTech games.

Objectives: Lyran Alliance [PDF only]
Since the coming of the Clans, the military, industrial, and command complexes of the Inner Sphere have raced against the invaders—and each other—to out-produce one another in battle-worthy manpower and materiel. Factories that were smashed in the Succession Wars were reborn and revitalized, churning out ever more cutting-edge equipment, while academies expanded their curriculums and sent generations of fresh warriors into battle.

At the pinnacle of the arms race, new wars erupted, first against the Clans, and then between the Great Houses and Periphery states of the Inner Sphere. In the fires of the Word of Blake Jihad, destruction reached a level not seen since the early Succession Wars…but the stricken realms persevered.

Objectives: Lyran Alliance describes the state of the major factories, training centers, and command centers of House Steiner’s Lyran Alliance in the wake of the events described in Jihad Hot Spots: Terra. Including detailed stats on every key system within the realm, this supplement also includes basic rules to help guide players in developing BattleTech scenarios focused on defending—or attacking—these critical sites.

Field Manual: 3085 (Plot Sourcebook)
The year is 3085. In the wake of the Jihad, a new realm—The Republic of the Sphere—has been born. Drawing war-weary masses from all over the Inner Sphere, the Republic stands for unity and security, in the hopes that never again will its worlds suffer from centuries of relentless war. But even though the common threat has fi nally passed, few believe they have seen the last of war. As the combined realms and Clans of the Inner Sphere struggle to rebuild, a new balance of power has begun to emerge.

Field Manual: 3085 updates the military and political state of the Inner Sphere in the years following the end of the Jihad and the formation of The Republic of the Sphere. This report includes a brief history and overview of recent developments in the BattleTech universe (including the formation and organization of The Republic of the Sphere), as well as current TO&Es for all of the major ’Mech and mercenary commands employed by the realms and Clans of the post-Jihad Inner Sphere. Special rules are also included, enabling players to create characters and forces for use in campaigns set in and aft er this critical point in BattleTech history.

A Time Of War Companion
Launch yourself into the universe of BattleTech with new technologies and prove your heroism to House Lords and Khans alike! Visit strange and distant worlds, and battle alien beasts beyond your wildest dreams! Demonstrate new combat techniques both in and out of the cockpit, while navigating the intricate layers of neo-feudal politics! Whether your are a House regular, a pirate smuggler, a noble scion, a deep space explorer, or just a thrill-seeking adventurer, bring your experience to a whole new level!

A Time of War Companion introduces new advanced rules to BattleTech role-players and gamemasters alike. Within this core book expansion are advanced gameplay options including Advanced Tier martial arts, “hero-mode” gameplay, metaskills, Trait Checks, and more! Use character design templates to quickly generate new characters and NPCs, or even convert older characters from previous MechWarrior rule sets! Gamemasters, use the world-building rules to bring your players to exotic new locations, introduce them to equally exotic fauna you have created to greet them there, and give them the chance to fight for—or against—a host of new technologies rarely seen in the field! Th e tools to enhance your role-playing campaigns are here for the taking!

HexPack: Mountains And Canyons (HexPack)
HexPack: Mountains and Canyons is a flexible map system aid for the BattleTech board game. Designed for use in conjunction with other preprinted mapsheets (such as those from the Introductory Box Set), the system’s flexibility allows for easy modifications to existing mapsheets, increasing the enjoyment of a given scenario as players quickly change the terrain to bring new excitement to each game they play! A booklet contains two ready-to-play scenarios, which include expanded play options.
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Re: Предстоящие релизы каталистов

Сообщение acefalcon » 28 окт 2011, 09:40

ФМ 3085 и новый РПГ-компаньон - это реально круто!
Jack, you have debauched my sloth!
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Re: Предстоящие релизы каталистов

Сообщение Rabid Coyote » 28 окт 2011, 09:58

Я планов наших люблю громадье... 8-)
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Re: Предстоящие релизы каталистов

Сообщение ragnar111 » 28 окт 2011, 17:55

Вот Тро Комстар и ФМ 3085 - жду с нетерпением!
Но, когда мы все это удовольствие дождемся...
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Re: Предстоящие релизы каталистов

Сообщение DeJaVu » 28 окт 2011, 18:58

В следующем году глобальных релизов ТРО не планируется
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