House Kurita Art Notes: The Process Part 1

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House Kurita Art Notes: The Process Part 1

Сообщение DeJaVu » 07 янв 2014, 11:35

I’m pretty sure I dove into the depths of this with Handbook: House Liao, but it’s been a good long time and I felt it would be worth while to kick on the afterburner and skim this subject again with the the last of the Handbooks.
Art note generation on the Handbooks dwarfs the investment of time/effort on any other project I’ve ever done…and I’ve done a ton of them. There’s simply so much art and it is so specific to a lot of the nuances of the universe. And because of those nuances you need to provide a ton of reference material to make it as easy as possible on the artist to get the details right the first time.
Here’s the art notes that were generated for Handbook: House Liao cover:
House Liao cover Art Notes:

This will follow the same format as the previous four Handbooks, with a mosaic of four images centered around the House Liao logo.
Each illustration should be 3.863 inches width and 4.2 inches height at 300 dpi so they fit the established dimensions for our Handbook covers.
Note that the House Liao logo sword cuts well out of the standard dimensions of the logo, so the artist will need to keep that in mind when putting together the cover so nothing is lost ‘behind’ the slash of the sword; i.e. who wever you have do it, they (or you, or Ray) should mock up the cover so they can see exactly what all the graphic elements will do to the illustrations, so as little is lost aspossible
All references are in the “House Liao Cover” folder in the “Handbook: House Liao” folder on the ftp site.
1) A Ti Ts’ang BattleMech, still sporting the gray primer of ‘just off the line’ stepping past the darkened interior of a giant manufacturing facility, stark light almost haloing it to provide a great lighting contrast. In a classic “airport” scene, a man wearing reflective clothing is walking in front of it, lighted cones swinging in his hands as though directing the ‘Mech; i.e. to reflect this isn’t a ‘real’ MechWarrior at the helm but a man with just enough training to move ‘Mechs around a manufacturing center.
Art Note: The following link provides photo reference for the Ti Ts’ang:

A lone Victor BattleMech—sporting a standard camo scheme for the terrain and a House Davion logo—standing guard as a Geinah-Druapaq Cargo Train rumbles past on a prairie, the sun starting to set. In the illustration, the last rays of the setting sun catches a Death Commando in mi-leap from his secret location on top of the train’s front cabin towards the back of the BattleMech.
He intends to scale the ’Mech, detonate charge next to the cockpit and get inside and eliminate the warrior, all the while the sound and heavy vibrations of the passing land train covering his movements.
Art Note: The following link provides photo reference for the Victor:

Protector Shraplen of the Taurian Concordat signs the Trinity Alliance in 3062. The signing takes place in a room from the “Trinity Alliance Signing Room” illustration reference; obviously it’s rebuilt.
The illustration should show a ‘over the shoulder’ profile of the man (so you catch a glimpse of his face) signing a treaty. This should be a big old fashion treaty; a huge pile of bound papers, festooned with ribbons, nobility-markings and so on.
Across the table in a sumptuous chair (almost throne-like, though it needs to be moveable) sits Sun-Tzu Liao in all his finery (see Sun-Tzu Liao_clothing002), face serene but eyes glowing with power…unlike the rest of the Great Houses, House Liao power is in manipulation…this is HIS arena.
Next to the chair stands Emma Centrella, face slightly troubled. Her innate fear of binding the Periphery to the Great Houses warring with what she believes is a better path for both her nation (Magistracy of Canopus) and the Taurian Concordat (Shraplen).

The following excerpt is from the novel Binding Force:

House Hiritsu Stronghold
Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation
24 April 3047

A sharp kick just behind his right knee made the leg buckle. Aris Sung fell heavily to both knees just as the main doors were swung open by muscular guards who must have heard their House Master approaching. Then he felt the steel of two katana blades pressing down hard from behind, one on each shoulder, to keep him from trying to rise. The wielder of the blade pressing down on his right shoulder sawed with his weapon, ever so slightly, to cut through Aris’ tight-fitting black shirt and into the flesh beneath. Aris clenched his jaw against the pain and kept his eyes focused on the doors, waiting to see the person he had gambled his life to meet.

A woman entered, dressed in silk robes of a green so dark they were almost black. She walked with strength and purpose to her step. Her long dark hair showed a touch of iron gray at each temple, and her high cheekbones and slightly uptilted eyes spoke of her Asian ancestry. Late thirties, he judged, only because he knew how to look. This woman had that ageless quality of so many Asians, though it might have had less to do with genetics and more to do with her indomitable will. It was as if not even time dared presume too much in her presence.

The room was simply constructed and furnished, even though it was part of the largest stronghold on Randar. Aris had had the devil’s own time getting over the outer walls, which were built of steel-reinforced ferrocrete and designed to keep out BattleMechs. Then in avoiding patrols and passing through armored doors. Now he was where he’d risked all to be, in this room trimmed in hardwood polished to such a sheen that the grain seemed to dance in the light of the lamps. Most of the seating consisted of mats of woven rushes. Against one wall, however, was a platform too low to be called a dais, though what sat on it could definitely be construed as a throne. On it was a bench seat, which Aris guessed to be constructed of dark linwood. It was hand-carved with intricate designs and cushioned with pillows of a green satiny cloth.

And on the wall above the seat, an empty sword rack.

The woman stepped up onto the platform and quietly stared up at the empty rack for a long moment. Aris Sung counted thirteen drops of blood seeping beyond the dark cloth of his shirt and trickling down his right side. A good omen, he decided. He had recently turned thirteen years of age.
The woman settled herself onto the bench seat, arranging her robes about her as if in afterthought. Not a word had yet been spoken by anyone. Aris was sure his throat would be slit before he could utter a sound should he open his own mouth. So he waited, meeting her icy sapphire eyes with a determined gaze of his own. He willed himself not to blink, carefully widening and relaxing his eyelids.

Neither one of them moved for half a minute, and then Aris took his first calculated risk. He straightened his back, slowly so as not to invite a deeper cut into his right shoulder. Then he rocked back, jaw set against the pain as he unavoidably forced a deeper cut, until resting comfortably against his own calves. Adjusting his posture from defeated slump to comfortable meditation.

This final panel is an attempt to bring out the coolness of the Warrior Houses of the Capellan Confederation. My thinking is that you’d be looking over the shoulder of Aris Sung (whose 13), and Ty Wo Non (the man holding the swords against his shoulders) and on to the woman sitting on the chair. As such you don’t really need to know what either of the men look like and her description is fairly well covered in the excerpt; along with her clothing.

Aris clothing is covered above and theother an should be wearing a green with black Asian-esk jump suit.

To me this scene encapsulates all that it means to be Capellan. That you are not born a citizen…that you must earn that priveldge. That at an age when most other Houses still have their children playing, House Liao is indoctrinating them into the service of the State.


Then the folder I provided alongside these notes included 12 art references…and this is just for the cover. ;-)

And here’s the cover as it turned out based upon that work:

Diving in now to generate the cover art notes for Handbook: House Kurita and then to fully flesh out the extent interior art notes to give Brent all he needs to get the artists moving.

I’ll share those art notes down the line.

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Re: House Kurita Art Notes: The Process Part 1

Сообщение Den [WM] » 07 янв 2014, 12:55

DeJaVu, ты не ошибся в названии темы?

должно быть House Liao
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Re: House Kurita Art Notes: The Process Part 1

Сообщение DeJaVu » 07 янв 2014, 12:58

МБ Рэндалл чуть-по-чуть перебрал?
Насколько я понял, на примере Ляо рассказал, как делают обложку к Курите. Позже в фэйсбуке он написал:
Wew…Handbook: House Kurita cover art notes off for review…I need lunch… rnb

И в самом блоге
Diving in now to generate the cover art notes for Handbook: House Kurita and then to fully flesh out the extent interior art notes to give Brent all he needs to get the artists moving.

I’ll share those art notes down the line.
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Re: House Kurita Art Notes: The Process Part 1

Сообщение Den [WM] » 07 янв 2014, 17:00

Я похоже не прочел последний абзац :oops:
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Re: House Kurita Art Notes: The Process Part 1

Сообщение Rabid Coyote » 07 янв 2014, 17:36

DeJaVu писал(а):Насколько я понял, на примере Ляо рассказал, как делают обложку к Курите.

означает ли это, что весь материал к хэндбуку уже написан? Или наоборот - только обложка и готова? :D
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Re: House Kurita Art Notes: The Process Part 1

Сообщение DeJaVu » 07 янв 2014, 18:22

Rabid Coyote писал(а):
DeJaVu писал(а):Насколько я понял, на примере Ляо рассказал, как делают обложку к Курите.

означает ли это, что весь материал к хэндбуку уже написан? Или наоборот - только обложка и готова? :D

Я думаю, что обложка НЕ готова
Diving in now to generate the cover art notes for Handbook: House Kurita and then to fully flesh out the extent interior art notes to give Brent all he needs to get the artists moving.

Что касается текста, если его писал Бен, то вполне возможно, что да
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Re: House Kurita Art Notes: The Process Part 1

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 07 янв 2014, 18:33

Недавно Бен писал, что текст готов уже год как - нет арта и верстки.
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Handbook: House Kurita Art Notes: The Process Part 2

Сообщение DeJaVu » 11 янв 2014, 22:47

As mentioned in the previous BattleBlog, we’re working on the art for Handbook: House Kurita. Additionally, I Tumblr about dissecting the Handbook covers determining how to build this cover.

Here’s the art notes that I generated and passed to Brent for review and to pass along to the artist.



This will follow the same format as the previous Handbooks, with a mosaic of four images centered around the House Kurita logo.

Each illustration should be 3.863 inches width and 4.2 inches height at 300 dpi so they fit the established dimensions for our Handbook covers.

All references are in the “House Kurita Cover” folder in the “Handbook: House Kurita” folder on the ftp site.

PANEL ONE (BattleMech)
1) A No-Dachi BattleMech, sporting the colors of the Fifth Sword of Light, is participating in a live-fire training course of the Kensai Kamai weapons master program.

There should be a Kensai Kami flag somewhere (perhaps planted on a hill or flying above a fortification/pill box or some such). The insignia has the following description:

Kensai Kami colors are red, black and gold. The insignia is the black silhouette of a Hatamoto-Chi wreathed in red energy bolts, set against a golden field.
Art Note: The following link provides photo reference for the No-Dachi:

Art Note: The following link provides photo reference for the Fifth Sword of Light paint scheme:

Art Note: The following link provides photo reference for the Hatamoto-Chi mentioned above in the Kentai Kami insignia:

PANEL TWO (Nobility)
Coordinator Theodore Kurita in full regalia meets in the Black Room with the four Warlords of the Draconis Combine, also all in their full uniforms.

Tai-shu Isoroku Kurita: Warlord of Dieron
Tai-shu Li Dok To: Warlord of Galedon
Tai-shu Boris Petroff: Warlord of Benjamin
Tai-shu Teyasu Ashora: Warlord of Pesht

No description is provided of the Black Room, but it is an ultra secure room for the most important meeting in the entire empire. The “Black” could be part of the décor, not just a description of its “black out” nature. Let the artist create something both military-futuristic but very Combine at the same time, and also feels like it would take a regiment to breach.

The key aspect of the scene is to have Theodore leaning back, looking over steepled fingers, watching the standing Warlords trying to shout each other down. How all Coordinators have kept the sprawling, military-run star empire from collapsing under Warlords trying for the throne…the Coordinator carefully maneuvers them so they’re constantly worried at each other and not eying him.

PANEL THREE (Flavor of a Faction)
This illustration should depict the Sanctum Arcanum; the full description of this locale is found below (taken directly from this sourcebook):

Five symbolic pillars are said to support the society of House Kurita: the Pillar of Gold, signifying the ruling Kurita dynasty and its governing apparatus; the Pillar of Steel, symbolizing the military; the Pillar of Jade, representing the economic productivity and the flow of wealth and commerce; the Pillar of Teak, standing for the culture and art of the Combine; and the Pillar of Ivory, exemplifying faith, philosophy, and codes of conduct.
Deep within the recesses of Unity Palace on Luthien is a complex of small apartments called the Sanctum Arcanum. The innermost room is a low-ceilinged chamber dimly lit by indirect lights. Most of the chamber is taken up by a raised platform covered with an ancient, richly colored carpet woven with the design of an intricate Asiatic dragon. In the center of the rug is a black-lacquered sword stand holding the well-worn katana of the dynastic founder, Lord Shiro Kurita. The figure of the dragon twines around five columns that rise from platform to ceiling. Each pillar, standing in a collar of filigreed gold at the base, is carved from a different kind of ivory.

To the right of the sword stand is a smooth, cream-colored column of soft ivory, a huge elephant tusk from the eastern coast of Africa on Terra. Its strength is self-evident, but its relative softness, which makes it the easiest for ivory carvers to work, is symbolic of the adaptability of Kurita doctrine within its basic shape. To the left of the stand is a column that looks like clear glass but is actually a gigantic fire hippopotamus tusk from the tropical world of Thimphu. It is extremely dense, hard ivory—so hard it gives off fire when struck with steel. It symbolizes the strength and rigor of the unbending Kurita codes.

Slightly behind the sword stand and to the right is a column of vivid turquoise. This is also the shaft of a single tusk from an ancient mammoth recovered from deep within the Siberian tundra on Terra. During the tens of thousands of years the tusk was buried, the metallic salts that gave it its color slowly penetrated the tusk’s pores. This mammoth tusk is symbolic of the deep roots that Kurita ideology has in the ancient doctrines of Terran Asia.

Behind and to the left of the sword stand sits a rough-looking ivory column that is streaked and unevenly colored but nonetheless massive in its strength. Unfinished, with the bark still on, this tusk came from the same elephant as the soft ivory pillar in the front. It symbolizes the Kuritan people, rough and unfinished themselves, needing the hand of the artisan but at heart willing to be shaped.

Directly behind the sword is the last ivory column, carved into the serpentine body of an Asian dragon twisting into a left-handed spiral. Another fossil, the pillar was made from the single, sword-like horn of the extinct monodon, once native to the ancient seas of the arctic wastes of Labrea. Until it was uncovered during a twenty-seventh century mining operation, this huge trunk of ivory had spent millennia buried in the permafrost, leaching radioactive isotopes. When the lights in the Sanctum Arcanum are turned off, this fifth pillar seems to hang in the air like a glowing dragon, filling the chamber with its own soft illumination.

The figure of the Dragon pervades and sums up much of Kurita mythology. At times, it is taken to mean the First Lord, Shiro Kurita. At other times, it stands for the entire Draconis Combine. The fifth pillar symbolizes the sea and the land, the past and the present, the people and the society, all united in the body of the Dragon of House Kurita.

Built into the floor directly in front of the platform in the Sanctum Arcanum is a section of straw tatami mats covered with tightly stretched, brilliantly clean white canvas. Of the same length as the room—just under five meters—and one meter wide, this area resembles a miniature judo or aikido practice mat. At each end of the mats, two hooded figures sit on their heels, facing each other at attention. With hands on knees, they remain perfectly still but always alert. Each wears a wide-sleeved robe of rough brown cloth. What appear to be starched linen wings cover their throats and shoulders, but the material is actually a flexible ceramic that is impervious to weapons. The figures’ heads are hooded, and darkly tinted shields obscure all but the lower part of their faces. Blue, metallic-looking sashes tied around their waists hold their robes shut. These monkish guards are Adepts of the Order of the Five Pillars (O5P).

PANEL FOUR (Unique “Element”)
This should be a seppuku ceremony just as it’s about to get underway.

There’s a fantastic illustration that captures this event and the artist should use that reference to create his own take on it.

However, the unique angle to add here is a DEST trooper (or more) standing guard in the background; i.e. this is a “forced” retirement from the military, done in only the way the Combine does it.

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Re: House Kurita Art Notes: The Process Part 1

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 12 янв 2014, 13:09

По первому слайду нет слов - Рэндалл, походу вообще забыл, что Нодачи - мех куритянского штрафбата, который приличному самураю пилотировать западло.
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Re: House Kurita Art Notes: The Process Part 1

Сообщение Warchun » 12 янв 2014, 13:22

Siberian-troll писал(а):По первому слайду нет слов - Рэндалл, походу вообще забыл, что Нодачи - мех куритянского штрафбата, который приличному самураю пилотировать западло.

К чему так категорично!? :) В накидках до Джихада он встречается в категории "А", т.е. для самых элитных полков (например 1й Генеся Хохиро Куриты против Духов Крови во время Великого отказа и т.д.). На пост-Джихадье он конечно сдает, но самураи известны своим традиционализмом ...
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Re: House Kurita Art Notes: The Process Part 1

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 12 янв 2014, 13:31

Источники утверждают обратное:

FM:Draconis Combine, p.162
"Throrough special arrangement with Cosby, bulk of No-Dachis in service are with Eleventh Legion of Vega. Some been sold to other DCMS units, though the majority of No-Dachis not stationed with Eleventh are posted with other Legion of Vega units."

TRO 3067 p. 82
"Sword of Light regiments have, for the most part, avoided the NoDachi because of the stigma attached to the Legion of Vega. Instead, they continue to agitate for a new sword-bearing ’Mech which would be their exclusive property."

TRO Operation Phoenix, p.40
"Cosby BattleMech Research Firm (CBR) made their debut as a BattleMech manufacturer with their No-Dachi design. Now provided with the funding to expand their Vega plant, they planned to secure lucrative contracts. The prestige (or lack thereof) of their former designs, however, proved a problem within the honor-driven society. Several premier units shunned the No-Dachi because of its links with the Legion of Vega."

И так далее.
Конечно, в постДжихадье и Нодачи - достойный мех, но хэндбук дает инфу на 67 год, когда у свордеров есть четкое мнение, что они хотят, а чего им не надо и все возможности для этого.
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Re: House Kurita Art Notes: The Process Part 1

Сообщение Warchun » 12 янв 2014, 15:04

Тогда это все на совести авторов - в источниках одно, в накидках совсем другое (ФилдМануал на 3067 год)
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Re: House Kurita Art Notes: The Process Part 1

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 12 янв 2014, 15:29

Мне уже ответил Оустейн на официальном форуме.

"For the most part, meaning some are using the Mech. So there is nothing wrong in showing it in SoL colors."

Так что ничего страшного, что на обложке будет Обама в мундире Гитлера, потому что по большей части американцы не носят нацистскую униформу.
Так что прекратив фэйспалмить я могу успокоиться и дальше петь мантру.

Авторам пофигу на предыдущие сорсбуки. Они их банально не помнят и не читают. У них АКИ с пилотами в ОВСД числятся.

Ну и, последний гвоздь в гроб к вопросу об художниках:

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