Новые сорсы и рекордшиты

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Re: Новые сорсы и рекордшиты

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 04 авг 2018, 22:41

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Re: Новые сорсы и рекордшиты

Сообщение RDL_python » 04 авг 2018, 22:49

Siberian-troll писал(а):уууу!

Вот вот...
Типа покажет аж по годам, как все плохо...
И даже...
"Роковые решения, которые в конечном счете решат будущее Внутренней Сферы."(с)
Нам расскажут чем же и когда все КОНЧИТСЯ!

Все... А ну его нахрен огород на задворках Лиры - сажусь в дропшип и ноги в руки! За периферию... Подальше от этих психопатов! Ё!
Осмеивать ник "питон", бессмысленно. Это не раз делали разные "интеллектуалы". Подобное, только показывает уровень "ума и сообразительности", человеческой порядочности и интеллигентности - делающего это. CRASH & BURN !
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Re: Новые сорсы и рекордшиты

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 04 авг 2018, 22:51

Можно перейти в Малифо, но размеры... Вот если бы у них минечки хотя бы раза в два больше были - а сейчас шелупонь.
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Re: Новые сорсы и рекордшиты

Сообщение raimond » 09 дек 2018, 09:42

Now Available - Touring the Stars: Tortuga Prime!

On the pirate haven of Tortuga Prime, alliances can shift and power can exchange hands at a moment’s notice. An interstellar kleptocracy, Tortuga Prime’s only rule is simple: take what you need, and try to keep it. Will you further the centuries-old cycle of needless death and destruction—or put a stop to it once and for all?

Touring the Stars is a whistle-stop tour of the universe! Every system and planet where mankind treads in the BattleTech universe has a story, for those with the drive to explore it. Take a tour of the stars humanity now calls home, experience awesome new worlds, immerse yourself in the local civilization, and prepare to do battle in exotic locales.

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Зарегистрирован: 06 сен 2018, 10:53
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Re: Новые сорсы и рекордшиты

Сообщение RDL_python » 09 дек 2018, 17:25

Ну вот... Не прошло и 1000 лет - до Тортуги добрались...
Так и хочется воскликнуть - "Пропала планета!"(с)
см. - https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/_white_fire_/7987487/152910/152910_original.jpg
Осмеивать ник "питон", бессмысленно. Это не раз делали разные "интеллектуалы". Подобное, только показывает уровень "ума и сообразительности", человеческой порядочности и интеллигентности - делающего это. CRASH & BURN !
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Re: Новые сорсы и рекордшиты

Сообщение raimond » 05 янв 2019, 14:33

Founded with ecological sustainability in mind, the colonization of Sherwood seemed like a failure as soon as it began. But thanks to the strict control of a strong central government and a well-educated population, Sherwood pushed through the privations of the Star League era and became the “Green Gem” of the Outback.

Touring the Stars is a whistle-stop tour of the universe! Every system and planet where mankind treads in the BattleTech universe has a story, for those with the drive to explore it. Take a tour of the stars humanity now calls home, experience awesome new worlds, immerse yourself in the local civilization, and prepare to do battle in exotic locales.


https://store.catalystgamelabs.com/prod ... vO-tBs4RG0
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Re: Новые сорсы и рекордшиты

Сообщение raimond » 20 янв 2019, 05:25

"In the right place, a few small rocks can change the course of a river. The Seekers of Clan Goliath Scorpion and the Escorpion Imperio have long sought out relics of the past which they believe will steer their course. But relics are not the only rocks: one small unit and its warriors changed the path of the Clan and the Imperio. The saKhan of fifty years who formed them. The Star Colonel who returned to guide them in their darkest hour. The survivors who escaped the Reavings to claim a new home. Those who continue to use the relics of the past to guide the future. Come discover the small rocks of the Crimson Seeker Star, who changed the course of the Seekers, the Goliath Scorpions, the Escorpion Imperio and many more. Spotlight On: Crimson Seeker Star includes a Unit History, Personalities, Personnel Rosters, Mission Tracks, and data for use with all scales of BattleTech play."
https://store.catalystgamelabs.com/prod ... a54VP2de3s
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Зарегистрирован: 06 сен 2018, 10:53
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Re: Новые сорсы и рекордшиты

Сообщение raimond » 02 фев 2019, 00:30

Spotlight On: Nakayama's Blood

"When Federated Suns forces stormed into the Draconis Combine during the FedCom Civil War, proud samurai Chu-sa Harold Nakayama and the Forty-Sixth Dieron Regulars deployed to Ashio to repel the invaders. Disaster struck when an all-but-unknown mercenary command slaughtered Nakayama’s troops, humiliating him. Nakayama swore an oath to exterminate mercenaries wherever they tainted Combine soil, and gathered around him an independent company whose BattleMechs were anointed by the blood of their MechWarriors in an oath to seek out and destroy mercenary scum. The Jihad provided Nakayama’s Blood with rich hunting grounds and the opportunity to strike fear into the hearts of mercenaries operating anywhere near Combine territory."
https://store.catalystgamelabs.com/prod ... hbAdVGAjYE

Touring the Stars: Herotitus

"From oppressive occupation by pirates to religious domination by various sects, Herotitus knows what it means to suffer. New hope for the future is growing, thanks to the stability and protection from the resource-rich world’s deadly, unique native wildlife offered by the narrowed eye of the Fronc Reaches and their Colonial Marshals. But criminal elements remain in hiding, desperate to return to power, threatening the precarious peace."
https://store.catalystgamelabs.com/prod ... oTC1M0jO1s
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Зарегистрирован: 06 сен 2018, 10:53
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Re: Новые сорсы и рекордшиты

Сообщение raimond » 20 фев 2019, 00:28

On February 5, 2439, the Mackie obliterated all opposition during its first combat trial, ushering in a new era of warfare. The BattleMech—King of the Battlefield—was born. BattleMechs reached their pinnacle during the golden age of the Star League. The fall of the Star League and the Succession Wars that raged for centuries afterward took their toll and by the Fourth Succession War, the technology employed on the battlefields was a mere shadow of what it once was. However, the discovery of the Helm Memory Core unlocked the technological potential to develop new BattleMechs and experimental technologies for the first time in centuries.

BattleTech Record Sheets: Succession Wars offers players the record sheets for all the 'Mechs detailed in BattleTech Technical Readout: Succession Wars, 290 in total.

Note: This is a compilation volume. The entries in this PDF are reprinted--albeit with the current BattleTech logo--from Record Sheets: 3039 Unabridged, Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrade Unabridged-Clan & Star League, Record Sheets: 3058 Unabridged, and Record Sheets: 3075 Unabridged. Players who own those Record Sheets will find the same units presented in Record Sheets: Succession Wars

https://store.catalystgamelabs.com/prod ... ssion-wars
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Re: Новые сорсы и рекордшиты

Сообщение raimond » 16 мар 2019, 06:43


After the Jihad, Inner Sphere border worlds were no longer easy pickings for Periphery pirate bands. Instead, they returned their attention to the Periphery’s weaker nations. The nascent military and non-existent intelligence assets of the Fronc Reaches made the young nation a particularly tempting target. Opposing them were the Colonial Marshals, who risked everything to permanently drive the pirates from their worlds, but faced vastly superior numbers. Would the campaign be the dawn of a new nation, or the twilight of the Marshals?

Operational Turning Points: Fronc Reaches gives players the chance to recreate this desperate struggle for the very survival of a young nation. This campaign uses the Chaos Campaign and Alpha Strike rules in concert to allow players to fight individual Missions and Touchpoints, follow a campaign arc, or inserting the Marshals’ bold plan into their own campaigns. Included are detailed information on the worlds involved, full details of the units which took part in the campaign, an overview of the historical campaign, and several tools players can use to run historical characters and battles from this time period. The only limits are the players’ imagination!


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Зарегистрирован: 06 сен 2018, 10:53
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Re: Новые сорсы и рекордшиты

Сообщение raimond » 30 мар 2019, 11:45

It's a little late but it's here!

The year of Battletech rolls on with the release of "Turning Points: Tokasha"!

"As the Golden Century drew to a close, Clan Hell’s Horses christened a massive new OmniMech factory on Tokasha as the foundation of a new age of prosperity."

https://store.catalystgamelabs.com/prod ... J9UAmQOgv4

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Зарегистрирован: 06 сен 2018, 10:53
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Re: Новые сорсы и рекордшиты

Сообщение raimond » 28 апр 2019, 09:20

Now Available - Turning Points: War of 3039 Vega!

The wait is over as the Federated Commonwealth hammer falls upon the Draconis Combine. The War of 3039’s Commonwealth Thrust focuses on Vega, a world of burning sands, blazing sun, and the ruins of ancient Star League technology. A combined force of Steiner, Davion, and mercenary units showcases the massive alliance and technology of the Federated Commonwealth. The Combine defense, led by the Legions of Vega, is determined to justify the reforms and faith of the Coordinator. They will not surrender their homeworld easily.

Buy now ($5.99) at the Catalyst Game Labs online store:

https://store.catalystgamelabs.com/prod ... wi5RLyQiOw
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Сообщение Den [WM] » 31 май 2020, 01:37

Once a world of vibrant forests and exotic wildlife, Jardine’s loss in the early Succession Wars nearly erased it entirely from the annals of history. Rediscovered on the eve of the Word of Blake Jihad, its centuries-long isolation revealed one of the greatest secrets in ComStar’s dark past: the Hidden Worlds! Scoured by its own Guardians, the birthworld of the Manei Domini now lies under the shroud of endless smoke, its ruins a mute testament to the legacy of its fallen masters.

Их есть у меня
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Сообщение ELH_AIMB » 17 июн 2020, 20:24

Эх, печаль-печаль... Столько нового чтива разного, и все на инглише...
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Сообщение shipolino » 20 июн 2020, 00:36


BattleMech Recognition Guide: ilClan vol. 1
The march of technology across BattleTech’s eras is relentless—but some BattleMech designs never die. Each installment of this PDF-only series not only includes a brand new BattleMech or OmniMech, but also details Classic ‘Mech designs from both the Inner Sphere and the Clans, now fully rebuilt with Dark Age technology (3085 and beyond). Allowing beloved units redesigned for the BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter to be competitive on “modern” battlefields, this series also includes in-universe development notes, battle histories, notable pilots, and record sheets for each ‘Mech. Released as a series of 22 PDF-only documents through the end of 2020 and early 2021, many ’Mechs featured in this series will be collected as a single print volume upon its completion.
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Сообщение Маленький Скорпион » 20 июн 2020, 10:52

Хех. Доминатор. Волки и раньше любили БДСМ ))

Rp.: Acidum Ascobrinici 96% -- 100500
D.t.d. № ∞
S. Принимать до полного окобрения
Справка действительна по предъявлении справки о наличии справки

з.ы. Your logic sucks, bro.
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Маленький Скорпион
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Сообщение Leonid » 20 июн 2020, 21:54

Ммммда. Сколько ни смотрю - поражаюсь ужасающе низкому качеству старого арта. Такое более-менее способные школьники рисовали на скучном уроке на последней странице общей тетради... При этом совершенно не планируя связывать свою жизнь с искусством. Кто похуже был - те тупо косички на полях черкали.
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Сообщение Sniper09121986 » 21 июн 2020, 19:32

Leonid писал(а):поражаюсь ужасающе низкому качеству старого арта.

Он не весь ужасный. На самом деле, я думаю, даже над одной книгой работало несколько художников с различным уровнем навыков. К примеру, в одном и том же сорсе 1630 - Star League Джеймс Маккенна выглядит вот так:

А Керенский - уже вот так:

И да, в новых книгах тоже не все гладко. Вот Ульрик такой молодой в Era Report 3052:

А вот гомункул Общества, которым его заменили в Era Report 3062:

"Я художник, я так вижу" :durdom:
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Сообщение Leonid » 21 июн 2020, 20:15

Да ладно, оба Ульрика похожи друг на друга, это уже кое-что, не будем к технике исполнения придираться. Хотя что перебитый нос внезапно выпрямился, интересно конечно. Но причесон как раз - величина непостоянная.
Я собственно про садо-мазо тетку из сообщения МС, такие шедевры я реально видел в тетрадках, почерканные синей ручкой. (Не с маской волка конечно, но причесон один в один и техника рисования тела).
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Сообщение Лондо » 26 июн 2020, 09:59

Leonid писал(а):Я собственно про садо-мазо тетку из сообщения МС, такие шедевры я реально видел в тетрадках, почерканные синей ручкой. (Не с маской волка конечно, но причесон один в один и техника рисования тела).

Сделайте скидку, в те годы ни фотошопа, ни прочих достижений компьютерной эры еще не было:) Тут скорее вопрос не уровню изображения, а самому внешнему виду тетеньки, художник явно был не фанат БТ.
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