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Кто-нибудь игра Аеротек?

СообщениеДобавлено: 28 сен 2010, 13:05
Lord Cameron
Кто-нибудь игра Аеротек? (Aerotech)

Есть ли у них это в России?

Re: Кто-нибудь игра Аеротек?

СообщениеДобавлено: 28 сен 2010, 13:32

and yes

But trouble exist. Rules are far from clear.

Re: Кто-нибудь игра Аеротек?

СообщениеДобавлено: 28 сен 2010, 13:47
Standard rules (in TW) are messy, probably because someone tried to put so much rules (Aerotech 2 + additional rules regarding wonderful ways to crush your aerospace unit) on only so many pages.
Most AeroTech games I play are MegaMek games, with "advanced movement rules" (vector movement) enabled.
Most of my live games involving ASFs and other aerospace units are focused on the ground battles. ASFs use the radar map and perform support missions. It is still way too random: flying eggshells capable of doing quite a lot of damage. However, the diversity it brings is worth the cost.

Re: Кто-нибудь игра Аеротек?

СообщениеДобавлено: 28 сен 2010, 14:12
Lord Cameron
Warships also?

Or only ASF's?

Re: Кто-нибудь игра Аеротек?

СообщениеДобавлено: 28 сен 2010, 15:02
Once in RPG-3050-3060. We used escape pod of our mercenary dropship, full of explosives, like "nice from-sky felling eggs" :)
And use Wolf Dragoon Home Guard Ship (Alexander) near Outreach as instrument of masterrage VS PC :evil:

Re: Кто-нибудь игра Аеротек?

СообщениеДобавлено: 28 сен 2010, 15:26
Warship - very rare. Here no problems with rules.
Why rare? Dont know, really. Need to print some and play!

Re: Кто-нибудь игра Аеротек?

СообщениеДобавлено: 28 сен 2010, 18:03
Mostly ASFs and dropships.
Sometimes - small crafts and support vehicles.

Yep, warship rules are much more streamlined.
I play with warships only once in a while, probably because most of my BT games are a part of campaigns focused on the (mis)adventures of some ground unit, and warships just do not fit so easily on that scale.

Re: Кто-нибудь игра Аеротек?

СообщениеДобавлено: 28 сен 2010, 21:34
+1 to Diamond