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Работы с корпса на ФанАрт 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 31 окт 2011, 20:32
Title: A Hot Meal
Description: Urban combat, hungry dogs
Artist: Timothy Waddell


Title: Maria
Description: A Madcat MkII circa 3070
Artist: Timothy Waddell


Title: Mad Cat Prime
Artist: Victor Yanez


Re: Работы с корпса на ФанАрт 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 31 окт 2011, 20:35
1. Псовые скоре улепетывали бы подальше...
2. Примитив.
3. Тру лого клана :D

Re: Работы с корпса на ФанАрт 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 31 окт 2011, 20:40
1) с пивом потянет
2) черный робот Маленоича
3) Анимэ фан арт

Re: Работы с корпса на ФанАрт 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 01 ноя 2011, 01:52
А что это там за "btbooks.ru" на превьюшках, которого нет при открытии полноразмерной картинки? :)

Re: Работы с корпса на ФанАрт 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 04 ноя 2011, 09:55
Title: "Who broke the toilet?!?!"
Description: Another Madcat
Artist: Timothy Waddell


Re: Работы с корпса на ФанАрт 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 29 ноя 2011, 13:13
ription: Forward elements shattered, Clanners seek cover in the smoke and mist.
Posted: 29 Nov 2011 03:05
Artist: Jamie MacDonald
Artist Comments: I've always been most inspired by Battletech images with emphasis on the characters - touching on that human element is, to me, the key of the Battletech universe. I recently found a bunch of old tech readout posters (the ones in white and pink with little people obviously drawn in the 80s), and so I was inspired to draw a 'retro' mechwarrior look: short-shorts, coolant vests, etc. The Timber Wolf, instead of being king of the battlefield, is secondary (and, indeed, blown-up!) to the drama taking place

Title: Mad Cat Mountain
Description: A Mad Cat Prime accompanies remnants of an Elemental Point along a mountain stream.
Posted: 28 Nov 2011 00:03
Story Author: Kevin Madison
Artist: Kevin Madison
Artist Comments: My first effort at drawing my favourite 'mech. The inspiration came from a hike in Canadian Rockies.

Re: Работы с корпса на ФанАрт 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 29 ноя 2011, 14:00
Первый - очень атмосферный арт. Здорово.

Re: Работы с корпса на ФанАрт 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 29 ноя 2011, 16:53
Мне тоже первый арт очень понравился! :thumbup: '+1'

Re: Работы с корпса на ФанАрт 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 02 дек 2011, 08:32
Title: Start her up, they're inside already!
Description: Base is attacked as Mad Cat is docked.
Posted: 01 Dec 2011 16:19
Artist: Jots

Title: Brothers in Arms
Description: Three brothers pose for a picture in front of their respective machines of war.
Posted: 01 Dec 2011 09:04
Artist: Richard Powell
Artist Comments: Alternate title: "Hi, mom!"

War is always so dark and gritty. I figured a simple light hearted piece could brighten the constant struggle of the Battletech universe.

This image is my attempt to emulate a "clean" TRO style of art.

I hope I made the deadline!