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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Сообщение Маленький Скорпион » 21 янв 2022, 20:39

Hobbit, последним Штайнером с яйцами была бабушка Катрина.
Да и первым за предыдущую сотню лет -- тоже.
Rp.: Acidum Ascobrinici 96% -- 100500
D.t.d. № ∞
S. Принимать до полного окобрения
Справка действительна по предъявлении справки о наличии справки

з.ы. Your logic sucks, bro.
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Маленький Скорпион
Сообщения: 11598
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Откуда: няшный солнечный Херотитус, Нью-Гедон, улица Больших Сисек, д.17
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Сообщение petras » 26 янв 2022, 08:29

The newest Battletech Legends novel is available now, the Dark Ages novel "Principles of Desolation" by Randall Bills & Jason Hardy.
Available digitally from multiple sources AND Print on Demand from Amazon!
https://books2read.com/BattleTechLegend ... BMQDMA2uKs
Сообщения: 362
Зарегистрирован: 11 ноя 2020, 07:08
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Сообщение Scorpion Dog » 29 янв 2022, 11:04


Touring the Stars: Kerensky’s Vision
Price: $2.99, PDF

Once known as Qualip, during the first Star League the unfortunate world became a cautionary tale of botched terraforming and human ignorance as entire continents became locked in ecological warfare even before Combine nukes fell in the Succession Wars. When the Clans invaded, ilKhan Ulric Kerensky saw in abandoned Qualip a chance to implement Nicholas Kerensky’s vision for the Inner Sphere and the Clans, and the rechristened Kerensky’s Vision became that chance. Setting Clan science to restore a paradise world lost to war created a planet unique in the occupation zone. On Kerensky’s Vision, Clan and Inner Sphere merchants compete, while others smuggle, spy, and even steal in the packed enclaves of the capital. Here, anything can be bought—for a price.

Touring the Stars is a whistle-stop tour of the universe! Every system and planet where mankind treads in the BattleTech universe has a story, for those with the drive to explore it. Take a tour of the stars humanity now calls home, experience awesome new worlds, immerse yourself in the local civilization, and prepare to do battle in exotic locales.



BattleTech Legends: Wolf Hunters by Kevin Killiany

Оффтоп: Он там внутри не поджарится?

Anastasia Kerensky has declared the Steel Wolf Clan to be mercenaries, re-christening them the Wolf Hunters. The combination of autonomy and wealth will make them more than a match for any MechWarrior battalion suicidal enough to challenge them.

But the real challenge comes from within the Clan itself. Star Colonel Varnoff believes Kerensky has betrayed them all—and with a loyal faction of Steel Wolves at his side vows to destroy all the Wolf Hunters.

Meanwhile, others who do not agree with Anastasia’s decision strike out on their own. Some join other mercenary units, another finds his purpose on the gaming world of Solaris VII. But one thing is for certain: as the Republic of the Sphere continues to fall apart, new factions and rivalries arise as the leaders of each planet left on its own adapts to this dangerous new universe. And the surest way to protect a planet is by hiring mercs…because the best defense is a good offense…


Следующее переиздание должно быть: Surrender your dream. Наверняка с переписанным эпилогом.

Обновлены Грядущие релизы

Скоро (конец января-начало февраля)

Upd: Вышла

Оффтоп: На каком г... приходиться превознемогать соламе

No Substitute for Victory
An ilClan Era novel by Blaine Lee Pardoe
Release Date: Late January / Early February 2022


For nearly a decade, the relentless warriors of Clan Jade Falcon have held the world of Jangso in the A Place system, using it as a training ground for their next generation of warriors. When the planet’s garrison departs to join other Falcon forces in the fight for Terra, the Clans’ ultimate prize, aging Star Commander Hasara is ordered to remain behind. Deemed too old to be worthy of going to Terra, he still embraces his honor, and vows to safeguard the planet and all of the cadets too young to join the fight.

The Lyran Commonwealth, still stinging from losing Jangso to the Falcons, resolves to exploit their absence by taking back the planet before the Falcons can return. Armed with military intelligence and smuggled BattleMechs, Lyran natives on Jangso launch critical strikes at Hasara, his ex-MechWarrior partner, and the Falcon cadets under their wings, luring them into a trap.

But the Lyrans have greatly underestimated the Falcons’ indomitable spirit and the lengths they will go to when driven to the brink of desperation. As Hasara wrestles with his own sense of honor, and faces dwindling morale and diminishing returns against troops seeking to exterminate him and his cadets, he must prove there is still enough fight left in his old bones to secure a victory for the future of his Clan.

Spotlight On: Hellion Keshik
Release Date: Friday, Feb. 4
Price: $3.99

Touring the Stars: Rocky
Release Date: Friday, Feb. 18
Price: $2.99

Empire Alone
Release Date: Second Quarter 2022

BattleTech Universe

Release Date: Mid 2022

Кроме того:

Джейсон Шметцер собирается в первом полугодии выпусить роман про Драгун, а затем - вторую повесть (из трёх) про возрождённый Легион Серой Смерти.

>Post thirty pieces of silver hopefully. ;-)
Слава Слоноликому, взметывающему похлопыванием ушей пыльцу камфары, от которой, словно от преждевременно опустившихся сумерек, розовеют небеса.
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Scorpion Dog
Переводчик Библиотеки Battletech
Сообщения: 1074
Зарегистрирован: 06 июл 2007, 16:30
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Сообщение petras » 07 фев 2022, 10:51

Spotlight On: Hellion Keshik
Price: $3.99, PDF

Death From Above. No words better describe Hellion Keshik, the bodyguard Trinary for Clan Goliath Scorpion’s saKhan. Few formations conjure terror amongst their enemies more than this assemblage of warriors. Forged from tattered remnants of two Clans, one Absorbed and the other Abjured, Hellion Keshik welded their disparate philosophies into one. As the tip of the spear for Hellion Galaxy, the Keshik does more than protect the saKhan. These warriors train endlessly and fight savagely like no others in the Scorpion Touman. The Keshik has never tasted defeat, because victory is so sweet.

Spotlight On: Hellion Keshik includes a Unit History, Personalities, Personnel Rosters, Mission Tracks, and data for use with all scales of BattleTech play.

Catalyst Game Labs web store: https://store.catalystgamelabs.com/prod ... ion-keshik


Newly available in the Downloads section of our website are record sheets for the Wave 2 ForcePacks, and record sheets for the Wolf’s Dragoons Assault Star ForcePack:

Wave 2 ForcePacks: Халява Халява 2

Сообщения: 362
Зарегистрирован: 11 ноя 2020, 07:08
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Сообщение petras » 18 фев 2022, 23:39

In 2021 Catalyst ran production and marketing tests of premium BattleMech figures, producing the Tukayyid variants of the Black Knight and the Stormcrow. Only a few hundred of these were ever offered for sale.

Now, thanks to our friends at Monster Fight Club, we are taking this to the next level.

Available now is the Wolfhound IIC. A Clan-rebuild of Phelan Kell’s original Grinner, this fast, aggressive design comes with three different pairs of legs and four arms, allowing fans to assemble it in a variety of poses. The ultimate in battlefield customization! Also, with 4x initial availability, improved efficiency brings the price down $10 to an amazing $14.99.

Due to fan enthusiasm for this design, we will limit sales during the first week to two per person. However, we guarantee future print runs will be made available as we continue to optimize the premium line to your expectations.
Сообщения: 362
Зарегистрирован: 11 ноя 2020, 07:08
Has thanked: 122 times
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Сообщение petras » 26 фев 2022, 01:49

Salvage blind boxes and the collected Eridani Light Horse Chronicles are now available! Also: an update on shipping prices.
Сообщения: 362
Зарегистрирован: 11 ноя 2020, 07:08
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Сообщение petras » 12 апр 2022, 19:34

Русифицированная коробка БТ с 1 квартала съехала на 2022 год...
Battletech: Clan Invasion — это сложная военная стратегия, симулирующая сражения боевых машин. В этой игре вас ждут напряжённые схватки, непростые тактические задачи и радость заслуженной победы! В редактуре. Выйдет осенью в 2022 году.
Сообщения: 362
Зарегистрирован: 11 ноя 2020, 07:08
Has thanked: 122 times
Been thanked: 494 times

Сообщение Leonid » 13 апр 2022, 08:10

petras писал(а):В редактуре.

*Иронично усмехнулся* Тут бы не фантазировали слишком сильно и то ладно.
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Администрация btbooks.ru
Сообщения: 5786
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Сообщение Alien173 » 13 апр 2022, 11:34

petras писал(а):Русифицированная коробка БТ с 1 квартала съехала на 2022 год...
Battletech: Clan Invasion — это сложная военная стратегия, симулирующая сражения боевых машин. В этой игре вас ждут напряжённые схватки, непростые тактические задачи и радость заслуженной победы! В редактуре. Выйдет осенью в 2022 году.

Привет а кто выпускать будет ссылочку не дашь на новость?
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Re: Re:

Сообщение petras » 13 апр 2022, 17:26

Alien173 писал(а):
petras писал(а):Русифицированная коробка БТ с 1 квартала съехала на 2022 год...
Battletech: Clan Invasion — это сложная военная стратегия, симулирующая сражения боевых машин. В этой игре вас ждут напряжённые схватки, непростые тактические задачи и радость заслуженной победы! В редактуре. Выйдет осенью в 2022 году.

Привет а кто выпускать будет ссылочку не дашь на новость?

ХГ, кто же еще - https://vk.com/@hobbyworld-novosti
Дирек их плакался пол эфира, с доставкой беда, со всем беда. Вместо мтг будет импортозамещение - реанимация Берсерка.
Сообщения: 362
Зарегистрирован: 11 ноя 2020, 07:08
Has thanked: 122 times
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Сообщение Pride » 14 апр 2022, 00:09

Обновления по вышедшим изданиям:


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Сообщение petras » 14 апр 2022, 00:25


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Сообщение Leonid » 14 апр 2022, 10:42

Pride писал(а):Обновления по вышедшим изданиям:


Еще вот это было 13 марта.
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Администрация btbooks.ru
Сообщения: 5786
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Сообщение petras » 29 апр 2022, 05:12

Рендер Wraith из новой коробки Альфа Страйк
Сообщения: 362
Зарегистрирован: 11 ноя 2020, 07:08
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Сообщение Scorpion Dog » 01 май 2022, 11:27

Фотографии с KerenskyCon'а: прототипы новых минек из грядущих коробочных наборов, Mercenaries Kickstarter и Alpha Strike Box Set + готовится новый Begginer Set с Vindicatoir'ом


PS красивое

и плюшевые "Арчеры"

Слава Слоноликому, взметывающему похлопыванием ушей пыльцу камфары, от которой, словно от преждевременно опустившихся сумерек, розовеют небеса.
Аватара пользователя
Scorpion Dog
Переводчик Библиотеки Battletech
Сообщения: 1074
Зарегистрирован: 06 июл 2007, 16:30
Откуда: Москва
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VIP-Читатель (1) Отличный переводчик/писатель (1) Конструктор мехостроения (1) За участие в БТконе12 (1)

Сообщение petras » 06 май 2022, 10:50

Ближайшие релизы ironwind
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Зарегистрирован: 11 ноя 2020, 07:08
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Сообщение petras » 07 май 2022, 09:23

Redemption Rites
A BattleTech novel by Jason Schmetzer
E-publication: $6.99

In 3151 four-fifths of Wolf’s Dragoons listened to the honeyed words of Marotta Kerensky and followed Alaric Ward to Terra. There, they helped him destroy the Republic of the Sphere and establish the ilClan. Most of them died doing it. The remainder are injured, shell-shocked—and, finally, insulted by Alaric Ward’s payment of thirty pieces of silver.

In one leering gesture, Alaric Ward did what no other enemy had ever done. He broke Wolf’s Dragoons. The decimated survivors were allowed to limp off of Terra to rendezvous with their remnant who never set foot on the birthworld.

The emergency rendezvous is Savannah, in the Free Worlds League. Two striker battalions, the Tarantulas and the Wolfsbane, were the only Dragoons spared the debacle on Terra. Colonel Hack Kincaid, senior striker officer, is waiting when the Dragoons convoy appears. The DropShips are full of wrecked machines, but their personnel berths are empty.

Kincaid is a man of reputation in the Dragoons. His word carries weight. And he hasn’t been tarnished by Terra. Three regiments and one of his irreplaceable striker battalions have been ground to dust. His people are mourning, defeated, and rudderless. They look to him for leadership, for answers. They need a purpose.

Kincaid’s purpose is revenge.

E-publication: https://books2read.com/BattleTechRedemptionRites

Alien Worlds BattleMats and Neoprene Restock!
New today in the Catalyst Game Labs web store are the four BattleMats featuring the battlefields from Map Pack: Alien Worlds now in neoprene glory, with the battlefields of Map Pack: Desert on the reverse:

Lunar Base / Sand Drift
Fungal Crevasse / Washout
Caustic Valley / Mine
Crystalline Canyon / Badlands
We’ve also received a massive restock of all previously offered neoprene BattleMats, including:

All five Map Pack: Grasslands BattleMats, including Tundra
All four Map Pack: Tukayyid BattleMats
The Strana Mechty BattleMat
The hexless Alpha Strike Alpine / Lunar mat
The Aerospace BattleMat
The gigantic Desert / Grasslands MegaMat


PsuedoTech: Arcade Operations – Now in Print!
PDF: $2.99
Print on Demand: $19.99

Ready Warrior One!

So, you call yourself an “Elite MechWarrior,” huh? What’s your top score in Grand ’Mech Melee, huh? Your longest chain in Tankertris? Have you ever beaten the Stinger Challenge? Where’s your Legendary Duelist medal? Bet you can’t even complete a single wave of Droneroids on your first life without a Shield buff! Go back to your Maraudero Party games, you noob!

Just because there’s a war on and you’re driving fifty-five tons of high-tech armor and weaponry in a giant, walking avatar of death doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun, does it? Of course not! PseudoTech: Arcade Operations presents ways to spice up your BattleTech games in a manner that will amuse even the grimmest and most jaded of veterans. From power-ups that can offer your ride anything from instant death to temporary invincibility, to medal-worthy challenges beyond the humdrum monotony of win-or-die missions, show the Inner Sphere what you’ve got in nearly a dozen new scenario types—all presented in bright, colorful, holographic splendor, right on your very own tabletops! Special rules provide the classic arcade flavor your battles have been missing ever since you left the academy for the front lines, with bold new battle ribbons to be earned as you build a new kind of legendary status as king of your local military entertainment center!

Oh, and be sure to load up on extra tokens. The competition looks pretty fierce out there!

Catalyst Game Labs web store: https://store.catalystgamelabs.com/prod ... operations
DriveThruRPG PDF and POD: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/39 ... Operations

Сообщения: 362
Зарегистрирован: 11 ноя 2020, 07:08
Has thanked: 122 times
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Сообщение petras » 09 май 2022, 07:40

Сам Шметцер, фотка с амазона.
jason.jpg (9.2 КБ) Просмотров: 3041
Сообщения: 362
Зарегистрирован: 11 ноя 2020, 07:08
Has thanked: 122 times
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Re: Новости короткой строкой. Коротко о главном

Сообщение petras » 21 май 2022, 10:58

Вышло переиздание Стакпола - Masters of War. Анонса от CGL не было, однако на сарне уже есть упоминание, и продает на drivethrufiction
Masters of War, by Michael A. Stackpole, is the twenty-fifth novel in the MechWarrior: Dark Age series. It was first published in April 2007 by Roc Books and was later republished in May 2022 by Catalyst Game Labs as a BattleTech Legends title.

The novel covers Clan Wolf's migration through the Republic of the Sphere and Alaric Wolf's battles with Anastasia Kerensky and her Wolf Hunters.
Сообщения: 362
Зарегистрирован: 11 ноя 2020, 07:08
Has thanked: 122 times
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Сообщение petras » 24 май 2022, 18:39

https://hobbygames.ru/battletech-nastolnaja-igra - снова в продаже...
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Зарегистрирован: 11 ноя 2020, 07:08
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