Октябрьский БэттлЧат с Хербом Биасом

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Октябрьский БэттлЧат с Хербом Биасом

Сообщение DeJaVu » 20 окт 2012, 20:10

Сегодня в 20.00. Можно задавать ваши вопросы.
Как обычно, первый я буду постить онлайн, второй, увы, мну уже будет на работе, соответственно размещу завтра
<martian>: I am just a messenger! do not shoot me! Do not shoot me!
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - About s well as expected.
<SeeM2>: martian: roll for avoid wounds
<Habeas2>: Martian - So noted. Shoot the messenger.
<detinwolf>: Probably been asked before but, as well as the upcoming era report 3145 will we likely see these for the currently missing time periods in this series?(4th sucession war, fed com civil war, jihad)
<JoeChummer>: Were the Star League product expected to do well?
<martian>: Next question is better ...
<martian>: 2) 3025 introduced a whole core set of most common designs, which have remained present though original models and variants due to huge production. This is despite many TROs since that add so many more designs; it seems as if the TROs are providing supplemental "secondary market" machines rather than replacing the previous high popularity designs. Will 3250
<Nerroth>: I see, thanks. Is there any further word on progress regarding volume 2 of Liberation of Terra, or of the 2765 Field Reports?
<SouthernCoyote>: When can we expect to see a new Solaris VII product?
<Habeas2>: Detinwolf - It is presently my hope to cover all previous eras either as full-size print Era Report books, or PDF-exclusive Era Digests. Of course, that's based on perceived receptiveness to such events.
<martian>: Will 3250 continue this trend, or is it hoped to have a new "core set" of 'Mechs, giving the new era a completely independent face as far as 'Mech designs go?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - They were expected to do okay. But if we learned anything from the Handbook series, it's that the internet buzz about wanting a specific set of books does not always translate to sales of equal strength.
<Habeas2>: Martian - 2) Yes.
<martian>: Thanks. I will deliver your reply.
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - I have been receiving second drafts of the Liberation of Terra Historical, and the first of the 2765 Field Reports have come in, awaiting my painstaking attention to make them layout-worthy.
<Nomer>: And, on the subject of HB how goes HB:K? will we see it by the end of the year?
<Habeas2>: Martian - Actually, I'm not sure I read that question right. Will 3250...what?
<Habeas2>: SouthernCoyote - Hmmm. That is a tougher question than you might think for me to answer. There are plans for Solaris-related products, yes.
<Nerroth>: Thnks again. To clarfiy, will there be a single Field Report for all four Territorial States, or will the Rim Worlds Republic be offered separately from the other three?
<SouthernCoyote>: Woot!
<martian>: Will 3250 era come with a new set of core 'Mechs, similarly how TRO 3025 did?
<Jerome>: Any news on the faction dice front? Are the planned retail dice Randall talked about in his Battleblog supposed to be similar to this year's Origins dice or is that still to be decided?
<Habeas2>: Martian - Oh, wait; there's the other half of your question. Still yes.
<martian>: Very good.
<Habeas2>: Nomer - Handbook: Kurita is running a bit behind schedule, and may not make it out before year's end, but we keep hoping.
<Suralin>: Herb -- The only two named Filtvelt characters thus far (that I'm aware of) are Trempeleau and LeBeau. Is it safe to assume the Coalition has, or would assume, a pseudo-French veneer from such a limited sampling? I'd kind of like them to be something other than "Generic Periphery State #6", but there's been almost nothing fleshing them out AFAIK...
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - The Rim Worlds will be included in the 2765 Field Report - Periphery
<Habeas2>: Jerome - Still to be decided.
<SouthernCoyote>: Question about Battletroops/AToW - Are the new Hauberks (the 28mm scale) an attempt to regenerate interest in the Battletroop/AToW products?
<Habeas2>: Suralin - We're making it all up as we go along.
<Lance>: Filtvelt has a health mix of origins, the world Filtvelt is norse in origin, but you got a mix of other cultures in there.
<martian>: 3) To Herb: what's your favorite of the "historical" eras (pre-3085) and which one do you want to have more fleshed out?
<Trboturtle>: So, what's up?
<JoeChummer>: The usual
<Habeas2>: SouthernCoyote - A thing I keep trying to remind people--in my own subtle way--is that Catalyst Game Labs is NOT a minis company. Our friends at Iron Wind Metals are likely hoping to see some expanded interest in the role-playing game to translate into minis sales, but we are not actively telling them to do so, since we understand IWM's resources are limited.
<SouthernCoyote>: Thanks for the insight.
<Nerroth>: Understood, thanks.
<Damage>: After the release of the three pdf products this week, what's next on the docket?
<JoeChummer>: Herb, is it worth mentioning the project I'm working on, or is it too early for that?
<Garydee>: In 3250 will everyone be at the same technology level like in 3025?
<Spaceman1>: What 3145 products are scheduled for next year?
<Habeas2>: Martian - 3) Honestly, at this stage, just bout every historical era before 3085 that I feel merits more fleshing out has already been covered. The Age of War and Star League now have their own Era Digest and Era Report (respectively), we spent the 1980s covering the 3025-3039 period, and pretty much all of the 1990s covering the Clan Invasion. The FedCom Civil War was well covered by one sourcebook and a bunch of novels, and we
<Nerroth>: One thing I noticed when re-reading Handbook: Major Periphery States recently was the mention of some of the data recovered from expeditions launched into the spinward Deep Periphery during the time of the Clan Invasion. Will any of these story threads, such as the Riders of the Storm, be picked up again in in ISP3?
<Trboturtle>: I realize that the answer is probably the same as it's been for months, but I ask only so people will know things haven't changed: Anything new on the novel front?
<Habeas2>: Martian (continued) - 3) So, that leaves pretty much just the early Succession Wars to cover, and with the First and Second more about world-killing and fleet-killing than anything else, we've got nowhere to go BUT forward.
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - "Up" is a direction. I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you this.
<martian>: Great! Thanks.
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - You're welcome.
<Habeas2>: Damage - At least three more PDFs.
<JoeChummer>: Trboturtle, I was wondering when someone was going to ask that
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - What project are you working on again?
<JoeChummer>: That one we talked about on the phone a few weeks ago
<Trboturtle>: The Massive peanut butter and jelly sandwitch......
<Habeas2>: GaryDee - Depends what you mean by "everyone". The state militaries will be on the same level. Then there will be everyone else below them.
<Spaceman1>: Trboturtle you beat me to the novel question lol
<Habeas2>: Spaceman1 - Era Report: 3145, TRO: 3145, and Field Manual: 3145 are the key books of the 3145 period we are working on. There is also an Era Digest planned to cover the early Dark Age period (when the "pirate factions" showed up), a Historical to cover the wars in between, and the final book of the 3145 priod will be The ilClan.
<Suralin>: Dun dun dun...
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - Maybe a little.
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Novels are a lost cause for now. We simply do not have the resources to produce any new ones.
<JoeChummer>: Well, there's always Blitzkrieg
<Spaceman1>: What about the getting the old novels into e-pub?
<Habeas2>: Spaceman1 - Not on the horizon. Sorry.
<martian>: 4) Just request an update on the state of Record Sheets 3067 Unabridged PDF, please.
<Trboturtle>: Is it safe to say that the lack of Novels is due to circumstances beyond CGL's control?
<Spaceman1>: Will we see a regular release schedule for Blitzkrieg?
<Habeas2>: Martian - 4) Record Sheet projects tend to fall toward the low end of priorities, and the lac of capable design software is a hindrance now. We can only promise that it WILL get done, not when.
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Sure
<SeeM2>: Spaceman1: there are some books for kindle. Well, even more then some.
<Trboturtle>: Fair enough
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - I sent you a PM. You may wish to look at it.
<Nerroth>: Sounds promising.
<DeJaVu>: Do you plan to upgrade bc.com? One story per month - very very cool(
<Nerroth>: Speaking of the ilClan, can it be said at this point if any (or all) of the four remaining Homeworld Clans are out of the running; or is that the kind of data that cannot be confirmed or denied at this point?
<Spaceman1>: SeeM2 I have some of the ebooks from Amazon, but I missed out on several when the epubs were pulled from Amazon.
<Habeas2>: Where was I?
<Damage>: herb- hartford, i think
<Habeas2>: DeJaVu - Yes.
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - Yup
<Habeas2>: Damage - Oh, hell no! Hartford's a freaking DUMP!
<Lance>: east hartford
<Habeas2>: Lance - That's only mildly better
<DeJaVu>: mr. Beas - in far far future? ))))
<Nerroth>: Fair enough.
<Trboturtle2>: Wasn't Hartford nuked during the Jiha?
Habeas2>: DeJaVu - The upgrade? Honestly, I don't know. It's something above my pay grade.
<Nerroth>: One of the interesting things about JHS: Terra was the information about the various Belter settlements in the Sol system. Whatever may happen to Terra in the future, will the fate of the Belters, and other worlds in the Sol system like Mars, also be detailed, in the case that Something Major happens in or around Terra itself?
<JoeChummer>: DeJaVu: site upgrade, or content upgrade?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle2 - Yup. 50-megaton cobalt-salted nuke. My hometown and... pretty much my entire home state... no longer exists in the future.
<buster>: Sorry late joining. What is the status of the Objective series set during the jihad?
<Spaceman1>: What can we expect in the upcoming intro box set?
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - We probably won't hear as much about them either
<DeJaVu>: content upgrade
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - A little of both.
<Habeas2>: Buster - The last three Jihad-era Objectives are in layout now.
<Nerroth>: I see. In that case, are there any recommendations for that kind of assets the four major Belter colonies would have? For example, would they be advised to use the same aerospace RAT as whichever faction happens to hold Terra itself in that given era?
<buster>: Will there be any info or stories on how several worlds were discovered or rediscovered between the end of the jihad and the dark age? examples= kerensky's vision in lyran/wolf space and victralla in fedsuns space.
<Habeas2>: Spaceman1 - For the time being, we just have the one introductory box set. A second one is being planned for the launch of our 3250 setting, but its exact contents are still open to discussion. One goal is to make it friendlier to newer players by using a more streamlined gameplay system.
<Gaiiten>: The Total Chaos campaign book was a good one, giving the Jihad an extra boost for board game sessions. Given the even more complex level of the SL /maris Civil war, could TPTB consider something like that for this conflict?
<JoeChummer>: DeJaVu: Well, I'm pretty sure a site upgrade is in the cards eventually (no details right now). As for content, we've introduced a new layout. Also, we're going to be introducing fiction/scenario combinations in the near future.
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - Um, unless an author slipped something in without my knowledge, the Belter colonies should NOT be fielding armies
<buster>: What new fiction in the blitzkrieg style coming up?
<Nerroth>: But it has been noted that there is a significant AeroSpace presence at the major sites; at least in the wake of the Amaris Coup, where the belters sought to avoid being left as vulnerable as they had been in that conflict.
<Nerroth>: I was just wondering what kind of fighters or other such units the Belter colonies would be fielding in such a case.
<Spaceman1>: Does that mean there will be a revision to the core TW rules or will that just for the 3250 intro box set?
<Habeas2>: Buster - Any stories about the new discoveries and such between the Jihad and Dark Age may come up in the source products planned for those periods (Era Digest: Dark Age and Era Report: 3145), but there have been many recovered worlds, and not all of them are really story-worthy. They're just resettled planets.
<Habeas2>: Gaiiten - Not really. After Liberation of Terra Prt. 2, we'll officially be done with the Star League period for the foreseeable future
<Garydee>: Can we expect the weapon systems that were in the April Fools Turning Point show up in 3250?
<martian>: In the Intro Box were Introductory Rules, in which only armor (without chassis) counts? Those rules were quite simple.
<buster>: Will there be a family tree released for the darkages of Victor family and the Kells. Or of any other major family?
<Spaceman1>: How's work on BV3 coming? have you decided to just nuke BV completely?
<Glendower>: "When a family tree becomes a family bush, you just can't hide as much..." - The Regent.
<Habeas2>: Buster - The next story in the Blitzkrieg novella line is called "Vengeance". If I recall correctly, it's a historical piece, set in the Third Succession War period.
<mib_sj9m0c>: Around which in-universe year will Clan Objectives be set?
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - Use generic fighters, but again, the Belters don't have a standing army. They're too small and scattered for that.
<Lance>: Also - ComStar likely "confiscated" any aerospace forces the Belters had after seizing control of the Terran system.
<Habeas2>: Spaceman1 - We'll probably have to think long and hard about any revisions to the core books after the introduction of the 3250 setting, but that's for 2015.
<Habeas2>: GaryDee - Maybe
<Habeas2>: Martian - Was that question?
<Habeas2>: Buster - No
<Gaiiten>: A wish for 3250, if you are to introduce a new tech level, please reduce the number of the items avialable (keep the list short and simple). At the moment, there is an overkill, imho, killing much gameplay fun.
<martian>: Yes. Or you were interested in more simplistic rules than Introductory for the 3250 Box Set?
<Habeas2>: Spaceman1 - I received an updated proposal recently that was 19 pages long, but devoted 17 pages to examples, meaning the system was all of 2 pages long and very simplified. I'm liking it, and it may replace BV2 eventually.
<Habeas2>: Mib_sj9m0c - Same period as the others, between 3078 and 3081.
<Habeas2>: Gaiiten - The list of weapons for the 3250 setting is under 20, replacing virtually every class of weapon system in current play.
<Habeas2>: Martian - Yes.
<mib_sj9m0c>: In your opinion what is the biggest flaw or flaws with the current aerospace construction system?
<Damage>: pulse gauss rifles and rapid fire lasers?
<JoeChummer>: Hopefully we still have autocannon in 3250...
<DeJaVu>: Clan box set removed from the plans, do I understand correctly? instead of him box set 3250?
<Damage>: dejavu? what if the 3250 IS the clan box set, because the clans won?
<Nerroth>: Or the ilClan box set, rather.
<SeeM2>: Damage: I like the idea.
<Damage>: which one? the weapons of the box set?
<SeeM2>: Damage: The clans wining over IS with 20 weapons.
<JoeChummer>: Well, 20 weapons vs. however many we have now would be the epitome of Clan frugality, quiaff?
<Gaiiten>: An old question, do you still dismiss the idea of enlarging the Batletech universe (e.g. with another huge human -setttled space region beside the IS)?
<JoeChummer>: The Clans bid away all the armaments they didn't need anymore, lol
<Damage>: chummer - the front liners would have 20 weapons. the mop up crew would have all the "old" stuff.
<Habeas2>: Mib_sj9m0c - I feel that the construction systems for ALL units over 100 tons has grown too complicated and too full of convoluted variables to acheive reliable standards. Right now, even with software, it appears that asking for two different people to build the same destroyer will get you two different destroyers in the end.
<DeJaVu>: Damage - In Russia, like invading clans. The rest - the heresy
<Habeas2>: Damage - Huh?
<Habeas2>: DeJaVu - Yes, the Clan Box Set is being shelved indefinitely.
<Habeas2>: Gaiiten - Yes. The Inner Sphere is a big enough stage as it is. We do not need more.
<mib_sj9m0c>: In the 3250 era will there be less variety of Mechs in general circulation (not counting museums and such)?
<Habeas2>: I see we are just about out of time, folks. Last call for questions!
<Trboturtle2>: After teh Jihad, there isn't enough people left to expand!
<Spaceman1>: Do you consider 3250 a reboot of sorts for the universe?
<Habeas2>: Mib_sj9m0c - Yes
<Nerroth>: Will the 3250 box set be designed rules-wise to showcase alternate scales of play, such as BattleForce and Quick Strike; or will the rules material be solely focused on the lance/star-level of BattleTech play?
<Suralin>: A thought came to me:
<Trboturtle2>: Next three products that are due out?
<Habeas2>: Spaceman1 - No. A reboot would be going back to 3025 and starting over.
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - It will be focused on small-force actions
<Suralin>: Is it possible that the Master's plan was a Zero Approval Rating gambit? I.e. deliberately getting the more radical Word members killed off in the Jihad so a more reasonable strategy of IS peace could be pursued?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle2 - Interstellar Expeditions (IP3), Handbook: House Kurita, Historical: Liberation of Terra II
<Habeas2>: Suralin - Eventually, kinda yes.
<Gaiiten>: Do you like designing the new setting? Is there something you especially enjoy (and you can share with us)?
<Habeas2>: Thank you for participating in this Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech Line Developer-aided public relations activity!
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Re: Октябрьский БэттлЧат с Хербом Биасом

Сообщение Rncavenger » 20 окт 2012, 20:44

О как. То есть походу "Иль клан" из разряда слухов переходит в разряд фактов. Интересно только кто - ожидаемо Волки , или немного неожиданно Соколы...
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Re: Октябрьский БэттлЧат с Хербом Биасом

Сообщение DeJaVu » 20 окт 2012, 20:53

Насколько я понял кланового бокс сета можно не ждать... Near future бокс сет 3250 :gun_fire:
Даешь перевыполнить план по выпуску вехикулярных огнеметов в отчетном 3145 году!
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Re: Октябрьский БэттлЧат с Хербом Биасом

Сообщение Kuntar » 20 окт 2012, 20:55

DeJaVu писал(а):Насколько я понял кланового бокс сета можно не ждать... Near future бокс сет 3250 :gun_fire:

Печатных слов нет. :evil: :twisted:
Откройте, милиция!!!
Пошли на №"%, я сейчас полицию вызову!
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Re: Октябрьский БэттлЧат с Хербом Биасом

Сообщение DeJaVu » 20 окт 2012, 21:05

Так что бокс сета не будет. Ближайшие три книги - Interstellar Expeditions (IP3), Handbook: House Kurita, Historical: Liberation of Terra II
Даешь перевыполнить план по выпуску вехикулярных огнеметов в отчетном 3145 году!
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Re: Октябрьский БэттлЧат с Хербом Биасом

Сообщение Hobbit » 21 окт 2012, 00:30

<Habeas2>: Gaiiten - The list of weapons for the 3250 setting is under 20, replacing virtually every class of weapon system in current play.

Вот вам и "перезапуск".
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Re: Октябрьский БэттлЧат с Хербом Биасом

Сообщение Rncavenger » 21 окт 2012, 00:34

Ну лучше уж так , чем альтернативный таймлайн.
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Re: Октябрьский БэттлЧат с Хербом Биасом

Сообщение FES » 21 окт 2012, 01:01

<Habeas2>: Gaiiten - The list of weapons for the 3250 setting is under 20, replacing virtually every class of weapon system in current play.

неужели на работу в катализ взяли кого-то с мозгами? Что-то не верится...

Добавлено спустя 9 минут 41 секунду:
<mib_sj9m0c>: In the 3250 era will there be less variety of Mechs in general circulation (not counting museums and such)?
<Habeas2>: Mib_sj9m0c - Yes

да неужели. не верю. :evil:

Добавлено спустя 2 минуты 38 секунд:
<Suralin>: Is it possible that the Master's plan was a Zero Approval Rating gambit? I.e. deliberately getting the more radical Word members killed off in the Jihad so a more reasonable strategy of IS peace could be pursued?
<Habeas2>: Suralin - Eventually, kinda yes.

Мастер, оказывается, был ДОБРЫМ и ХОРОШИМ. Он был за МИР. :twisted:
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Re: Октябрьский БэттлЧат с Хербом Биасом

Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 ноя 2012, 11:47

[3145 - 2013]

<deadborder>: Herb - will TRO3145 be just un-statted so far DA Designs (eg Shrike, Violator) or will there be new ones?
<Habeas2>: Deadborder - TRO 3145 is slated to have all Dark Age units not already covered in classic form to date, essentially all of which we've at least SEEN before.
<deadborder>: Awesomesauce
<BirdofPrey>: including the tripod?
<Habeas2>: (At least where Mechs are concerned; there will be some all-new units in there)
<Habeas2>: BirdofPrey - Yes, the tripods will be in TRO 3145.

<deadborder>: Habeas2 - How much coverage will there be for the 3130s-era factions? Can we expect to get some idea of their sizes and, in the cases of those left hanging, details on their eventual fates?
<Habeas2>: Habeas2 - Before we move fully into the 3250 setting, we will be settling the affairs of all 3145 factions of consequence.

<mostrojoe>: So no hints for 2013? Nothing really new or interesting you want to throw to us?
<Habeas2>: Mostrojoe - 2013 is basically the year we go through the Dark Age setting. From beginning to end, for all intents and purposes, we will be watching the entire era unfold and reach its conclusion with The IlClan sourcebook.

<Mgun>: For TRO3145 is it likely that we get an ONN section for combat (PWS/CV/Q) variants for current dropships?
<Habeas2>: Mgun - Not too sure, really. I'm not a huge fan of those segments, as they tend to cause tons of design issues.
<Mgun>: That is a shame, I really would like such variants

[3250 - 2014]

<SeeM2>: Habeas2: 1) You said about new miniatures and weapons for 3250 Intro box. I have a question about current miniatures. Are they will be obsolete in 3250 and beyond?
<Habeas2>: SeeM2 - Did I mention new miniatures? I mentioned the new weapons, but nobody asked about minis that I recall.
<SeeM2>: Habeas2: oh, sorry then.

<BirdofPrey>: So I noticed in the earlier chat you mentioned 3250 would have new common designs. Will the old common designs become extinct and be replaced with these new common designs
<Habeas2>: BirdofPrey - By 3250 the models you see today as "common" will likely be fairly obsolete.

<John_Hawk>: Herb, is there any truth to the rumor that each successor state in 3250 will be ruled by a different former Canopian cat girl?
<Habeas2>: John_Hawk - No truth at all. Well, except for that ONE state...

<jimdigriz>: As we move toward 3250, what kinds of trends would you like to see in terms of political and technological development?
<Habeas2>: Jimdigriz - I see dynamic trends that work toward a synergizing of collective efforts to produce favorable results for both manufacturers and commercial prospectives, as well as the consumers.

<SeeM2>: Habeas2: 4) Do you plan a little more premiums in 3250 intro?
<Habeas2>: SeeM2 - I'm sorry; I don't understand that question.
<SeeM2>: Habeas2: I mean more Loki/Thor style miniatures in new intro box.
<Habeas2>: SeeM2 - I can't talk about the miniatures at this time. Sorry.

<Trboturtle>: Is 3250 going to be more new technology, or older technology with more refinement?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Hard to say whether one would call the tech in 3250 "all new" or "evolved from what came before". I'll leave it to the fans to decide when they see it.

<Weirdo>: Another question, but I'm not sure if anyone asked it before I arrived: Is there any news or tidbits you could give the folks that are fans of Quickstrike?
<Habeas2>: Weirdo - You guys might like 2014.

<mostrojoe>: What can you tell us about 2014?
<Habeas2>: Mostrojoe - By 2014, we will be in fully uncharted territory.

<Nerroth>: In role-playing terms, would the kind of technical evolution planned for 3250 be reflected in AToW terms? or to put it another way, would the 3250 sourcebooks be enough to support 3250 RPG play; or could there be an opportunity to set a proper AToW supplement in this new era?
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - The era will get its own Era Report, which means it will get its own RPG addendum


<ScrapYardArmory>: how far away are the first Interstellar Operations beta docs?
<Habeas2>: ScrapYardArmory - I wish I could say.

<mostrojoe>: What's the actual situation for IO? Will be definitively split in two books?
<Habeas2>: Mostrojoe - It is uncertain if any material from IO will be split off to another book or not. Of course, at this stage, it is uncertain if IO will ever see the light of day, so...
<ScrapYardArmory>: You said "it is uncertain if IO will ever see the light of day" when about two weeks ago Randal tweeted that beta docs would soon release. Has IO taken a turn for the worst?
<Habeas2>: ScrapYardArmory - IO has been underway for 3 YEARS now. Forgive me for poking fun at this fact.

<mostrojoe>: do you think we are going to know something new about IO? very soon?
<Habeas2>: Mostrojoe - Only if you measure things in geological terms.


<Mikecj>: Herb- have you been pleased by the reactions to the 3 new PDF's?
<Habeas2>: Mikecj - The three new PDFs all made it into DriveThru RPG's top 20 downloads on the day of their release, so I'm fairly pleased, yes.

<mostrojoe>: The "linking scenarios" chapter starting at page 47 of StratOps is broken and unplayable. Is there any possibility to ever see a totally new and improved version in future?
<Habeas2>: Mostrojoe - "Create a campaign" Book? Like, what, a role-playing game? Who'd pay for one of those?

<BirdofPrey>: speaking of hexpacks are there plans to sell the promotional tiles seperate or are you out of stock? I was poor when the toehr hex packs came on preorder
<Habeas2>: BirdofPrey - Last I checked, we ran out of the promo tiles.
<BirdofPrey>: I figured as much :,(

<SeeM2>: Habeas2: 2) There will be fan-made support for classic eras and active community for a looong time after a reset. Is there a chance that CGL will provide half-, on even more official support for fans work with storyline, 'Mech sheets, campaigns, etc? I'm saying about pdfs on official CGL site, or maybe one last printed stuff "by fans for fans"?
<Habeas2>: SeeM2 - For legal reasons we cannot provide any backup for "fan-made projects" of any kind. We will continue to publish Historicals and periodical material set in bygone eras, but we cannot, for example, provide RS support for fan-made 'Mech and vehicle designs.

<cStrick>: i recall seeing somewhere that weapons & other tech advances where going to 'stop' being introduced. will this hold true for these future TROs?
<Habeas2>: cStrick - At least for a time, yes. The tech race has been a bit too crazy for us.

<mostrojoe>: Is there the tendence to stay with the warchest system or with a more detailed system like the one seen in StartOps?
<Habeas2>: Mostrojoe - he warchest system is likely to stay in place for quite some time to come, as it has proven failrly popular.
<mostrojoe>: talking about the mantainance and repair chapter
<Habeas2>: Mostrojoe - More detailed systems are available for more expert players, but we understand that some people don't have time or resources for detailed accounting of operations.

<Mgun>: Are you thinking of a new unified and simplified construction system for all units above 100 tons?
<Habeas2>: Mgun - Yes. We'll simply outlaw them.
<Habeas2>: Mgun - More seriously, it's something that needs to be discussed further.

<SeeM2>: Habeas2: 3) Are there any plans for a card game? Does CGL have a license for Battletech card games? I'm not saying about old ccg (although it wasn't so bad), just any BT card game.
<Habeas2>: SeeM2 - No card game.

<BirdofPrey>: so you mentioned lack of computer aids are slowing down record sheets. I know a lot of us are waiting for RS 3067 and prototypes. Has CGL researched hiring a small programer team to make some construction programs for internal use (and possibly sale to fans who own the rule books)?
<BirdofPrey>: I know kickstarter is all the rage these days
<Habeas2>: BirdofPrey - I cannot answer that.

<cStrick>: do you think there will come a day when we recall the Jihad as fondly as we dol
<cStrick>: as we recall water raids?
<deadborder>: Water Raids! Way to make a guy feel old
<Habeas2>: cStrick - I'm already there

<BirdofPrey>: ok ok last (intentional) question from me: A lot of TROs have had a historicals section detailing Age of Wafr and Star league Designs. Is it possible future TROs will contain historical sections closer to the present (ie. inserting some new stuff into the sucession wars or clan invasion)?
<Habeas2>: BirdofPrey - You mean like making up some Succession Wars version of the Penetrator? Remember that after 3050, many of the TROs were discussing units that just debuted recently, so they wouldn't have "older variants". This is also why you saw a shortage of Notable Pilots and Battle Histories.
<BirdofPrey>: well i was mainly thinking we could use some WiGEs and advanced/experimental units inserted into earlier time periods. could be said to have recently been declassified
<Suralin>: BirdOfPrey - Or maybe units that were wiped out during the Succession Wars.
<Suralin>: or Amaris coup
<Habeas2>: BirdofPrey - Meh, maybe, but after all this time, I think we tapped out the bulk of any new units from the Succession Wars period. Continuity can be a harsh mistress, you know.
<BirdofPrey>: or yes that. basically new units, not just older versions of stuff weve seen in other tros
<Habeas2>: BirdofPrey - There will be a Succession Wars era miniseries of the XTRs in the future. Maybe some stuff will show up there.
<BirdofPrey>: nice

<Weirdo>: I have but one question(at the moment): How likely are we to see armed variants of the Aquila JumpShip, to represent the upgunned merchantmen used by various early Houses, Periphery navies, and pirates?
<Habeas2>: Weirdo - Slim to none. Those vessels are so far in BattleTech's past that they represent a time period we simply have no interest in exploring.

<BirdofPrey>: i still think we need some more WiGEs inserted into each era. how can a unit type that has existed for centuries only have a handful of examples. That's worse than the IS omni shhortage i harp on
<Weirdo>: The fluff of the ship says they exist, and I'd love to see details.
<jimdigriz>: I'd like to see the upgunned Aquilla stats as well.

<mostrojoe>: Do you think CGL will publish some products in limited or collectors edition verion only? Something that you think is not going to have a wide market but that will be bought by hardcore fans anyway: starmaps, postermaps, niche books or everything else
<Habeas2>: Mostrojoe - We don't really like to do the "limited collector's edition" thing. It only comes up occasionally in the form of first run core books like TW and AToW.

<Damage>: how about hex-pack asteroids and black holes? for those of us that play with warships.
<Habeas2>: Damage - You are going to find this very hard to hear, I reckon: The aerospace crowd in BT is simply NOT strong enough to justify a hex pack at this time.
<mostrojoe>: are there plans, even remote, for some new expansion about the "space" side of the game?
<Habeas2>: Mostorjoe - No

<mostrojoe>: do you think that things like official quirk lists, potential limited revisions of the game will be possible in 2013? Or the agenda is too tight yet?
<Habeas2>: Mostrojoe - The plan we're toying with at present is to add Quirks to the MUL listings for units
<mostrojoe>: ... but the quirks in the MUL is something you think can happen in 2013?
<Habeas2>: Mostrojoe - Not sure. It would be a pretty big job for volunteers
<Trboturtle2>: I think the MUL crew is enjoying a long rest in Arkham....

<BirdofPrey>: are there any actually planned hex packs for the future or do you just come up with them as needed?
<Habeas2>: BirdofPrey - The next Hex Pack is generally skecthed out as soon as the latest one goes up. So, we're only discussing which one comes next at this point.

<Nerroth>: In a prior BattleChat, you mentioned that there was a new line of products you had been considering; one which might be able to cover more subjects like AToW stats for the Tetatae (which would otherwise have no place to go.) is there anything about this line that could be discussed at this point, or is it still too far off to be given any proper detail?
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - There are actually two potential PDF-exclusive lines I am toying with that could qualify. The tentative titles for the series are Misjumps and PseudoTech.

<SeeM2>: I wouldn't mind winter board and hexpacks, frozen rivers and lakes. Yeah, I can always image that everything is frozen to death, but it stays green on the board.
<BirdofPrey>: oh yeah like that idea: hex packs dealing with TO level environments. Hmm any hope of seeing something like that?
<Habeas2>: SeeM2/BirdofPrey - Not really. The general notion is that any terrain can be frozen, wet, windswept, exposed to vaccum, or glassed over, so making different maps for different environmental conditions would be gouging the consumer.

<Mikecj>: Are we going to see another Time of War expansion book?
<Habeas2>: Mikecj - Um, that's a good question. We want to avoid venue-driven sourcebooks, since they only appeal to a limited audience, but the goal of Companion was to cover the advanced rules not already dealt with by the core AToW book. This left us pretty much nothing for a second, generic companion. I mean, factional/era stuff appears now in all Era DIgests/Reports as it is

<Nerroth>: How much scope for detail would there be for worlds like Kaetetôã in such a work? for example, could a colour (or black-and-white) map of that planet (and/or the Far Country moon) be a feature in such a file?
<Habeas2>: Nerroth - It's anyone's guess.
<Nerroth>: In any case, I'd definitely look forward to anything more about that corner of the universe you may get around to at some point. Thank you.

<Trboturtle2>: Are tehre plans for new mapsheets?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle2 - If you mean the plain paper ones, we keep trying to discuss those, but they are rather costly to make and don't sell strongly enough to justify continued production.

<Weirdo>: Absolutely loved XTRO: Phantoms. Any chance we'll ever see the Purifier: Police mentioned in it?
<Habeas2>: Weirdo - No idea

<BirdofPrey>: would it be pissible to see different tech levels in infantry equipment? los tech from the star league and new 3250 stuff?
<BirdofPrey>: *possible
<Habeas2>: BirdofPrey - Meh. At this time? No.
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Re: Октябрьский БэттлЧат с Хербом Биасом

Сообщение Юджин » 01 ноя 2012, 22:56

Разработчики Battletech тщатся повторить маразм "очень расширенной вселенной Star Wars". Там в итоге: опять всех зарулила новая ГИ и новые ситы; и тут - клановцы все-таки ильКлан создали. (Терру захватят значит?) :(
Очень по-американски, впрочем.
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Re: Октябрьский БэттлЧат с Хербом Биасом

Сообщение Rncavenger » 02 ноя 2012, 00:39

CSA_Eragon писал(а):Разработчики Battletech тщатся повторить маразм "очень расширенной вселенной Star Wars". Там в итоге: опять всех зарулила новая ГИ и новые ситы; и тут - клановцы все-таки ильКлан создали. (Терру захватят значит?) :(
Очень по-американски, впрочем.

Мне кажеться они просто хотят сократить колличество клановых фракций в сфере , при этом не выпиливая их. Обединение под эгидой одной фракции "ильклана" Волков, Соколов , Лошадок , скорей всего всего акул и мб (вряд ли , но хз) Котов . При этом "независимыми" оставят Мишек и Воронов, которые уже суть обычные государства.
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Зарегистрирован: 14 ноя 2011, 03:03
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Re: Октябрьский БэттлЧат с Хербом Биасом

Сообщение Маленький Скорпион » 02 ноя 2012, 17:03

Вот, объясните мне... Как вы умудрились прочитать всё это:
опять всех зарулила новая ГИ и новые ситы; и тут - клановцы все-таки ильКлан создали. (Терру захватят значит?)

Обединение под эгидой одной фракции "ильклана" Волков, Соколов , Лошадок , скорей всего всего акул и мб (вряд ли , но хз) Котов . При этом "независимыми" оставят Мишек и Воронов, которые уже суть обычные государства

...в словах The IlClan sourcebook?
Rp.: Acidum Ascobrinici 96% -- 100500
D.t.d. № ∞
S. Принимать до полного окобрения
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з.ы. Your logic sucks, bro.
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Re: Октябрьский БэттлЧат с Хербом Биасом

Сообщение Rncavenger » 02 ноя 2012, 23:45

Маленький Скорпион писал(а):Вот, объясните мне... Как вы умудрились прочитать всё это:
опять всех зарулила новая ГИ и новые ситы; и тут - клановцы все-таки ильКлан создали. (Терру захватят значит?)

Обединение под эгидой одной фракции "ильклана" Волков, Соколов , Лошадок , скорей всего всего акул и мб (вряд ли , но хз) Котов . При этом "независимыми" оставят Мишек и Воронов, которые уже суть обычные государства

...в словах The IlClan sourcebook?

УВ более ранних коментариях о сокращении колличества фракций. Как не разочаровав вконец фанатов одной фракции избавиться от неё? Самый простой вариант -влить в другую. Недовольные конечно тоже будут . но не так , как при полном уничтожении.
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Re: Октябрьский БэттлЧат с Хербом Биасом

Сообщение Red Dragon » 03 ноя 2012, 13:04

Как не разочаровав вконец фанатов одной фракции избавиться от неё? Самый простой вариант -влить в другую. Недовольные конечно тоже будут . но не так , как при полном уничтожении.

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